Sunday, February 28, 2010

Lady Gaga Never Disappoints

It is no secret to anyone who knows me that I enjoy the lives of celebrities. I read loads of celebrity blogs and countless magazines. It is often hard for me to pick a favorite celebrity, but there are a few who are always in my top five. Kim Kardashian and Nicole Richie always seem to make the list. But my number one celeb for the time being is the fabulous, unique, and always shocking Lady Gaga.

Always one to be an excellent procrastinator, I was flipping around various websites and found an article on Gagaloo (Perez Hilton created this name, and I am unable to call her anything else!) and her perspective on careers. Below is the quote I found in the New York Post from her Cosmo interview.

“Some women choose to follow men, and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you’re wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn’t love you anymore”

Ain’t that the truth! Okay maybe not always. I know lots of people who haven’t always felt the love from their careers, but it’s the message that matters people! I will be the first to admit, and many of my friends from home will validate my statement, that five or six years ago a career was the LAST thing on my mind! I used to make my mother see red when I would convincingly inform her that I was going to college to find my husband and would quickly after graduating become a stay-at-home mom. There are two major reasons why this dream didn’t pan out. One - that man has yet to grace me with his presence. Two – I discovered I have goals outside of a family life. I want to make it clear: I have zero problems with stay-at-home moms; in fact I truly believe a stay-at-home mom is the ideal for children, but I do have an issue with depending on a man. A guy may not always stick around.

As I grow older, I find that there are many things I hope to accomplish before popping out children. I want to become a published author; I want to write short stories, novels, and poetry for the world to read. I want to receive a paycheck doing something I love doing, and know that all my hard work went into that paycheck - no one else's. There is something really exciting about being excellent at something that is only yours. Who knows where my future will land me. I’m definitely planning on marriage and kids, and I may be that soccer mom ten or fifteen years from now, but until that day comes (if it ever comes), I’m going to work really hard on doing what I love doing, and working hard for me and no one else. That is what your twenties are supposed to be about! This is the age when I’m allowed to be the most selfish AND the age when I’m expected to work harder than I’ve ever worked before to ensure that I have a happy life. I’m up to the challenge. Is anyone else?

So thank you Gagaloo for speaking to the young women of the world. Choose whatever path suits you best, but please find something in your life that is yours and only yours, and work hard everyday at making yourself happy and complete. No man will ever be able to do that for you.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Weekend In Indianapolis!

So I’ve been away from the blogging world and the Internet for a little while because this Jersey Girl is in Indianapolis for the weekend! I really enjoy Indianapolis. I could never live here – the Midwest is not for me (too many cornfields!) – but it is a really fun place to visit. It doesn’t hurt that some of my favorite family members live here! My cousin from Chicago is in for the weekend, so the Ohio Fergusons and I drove the three-hour drive (through a horrible snow storm!) to spend some time with the folks in Indiana. Last night we had an awesome meal at a local Mexican restaurant. I have not had authentic Mexican in quite some time. Like the good Catholic I am, I ordered veggie enchiladas, and they were excellent! I love finding cheap, great food in local areas. It is so much better than eating at an Applebee’s you can find anywhere.

Today we visited my cousin and his wife’s new house about 20 minutes away from his parents. I hope when I’m 27 I can have a house as lovely as that house. Mom and Dad will love it once they finally get out here again. It’s big and comfy, and I hope we will have many good memories there. We came back to my aunt and uncle’s house and played a few rounds of Taboo. That is one frustrating game! You can’t say all of the words that you need to say in order to get the word across. (BTW did anyone else know that SWAK was “Sealed with a kiss”??? – Let’s just say that didn’t go well for me.) There are now about five people in the kitchen making steaks, creating side dishes, and pouring Champagne – “tonight’s gonna be a good night” ☺ Sorry I couldn’t resist!

I was unable to go to Las Vegas with the extended family when they all flew out for my cousin in Texas’ wedding a few weeks ago. I hate missing family events. I think it is an understatement to say that my family is a hoot. They are a bunch of crazy fun people who know how to have a good time. When my uncle asked if I wanted to drive out to Indiana this weekend, I didn’t need a second to consider. I’m pretty sure, “Absolutely!” was my reaction. We have a blast and laugh a lot. I really wish that my Jersey family was out here as well, but since they can’t be I guess we’re going to have Skype sessions to update them on the events of the weekend. Tomorrow we leave, and I have to go back to thinking about all I have to complete in the next two weeks in order to graduate college. As for tonight I’m going to smile and eat lots of good food.

Peace and Love <3

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Who Loves Figure Skating? I Do!

So tonight since I’m watching the Olympics religiously, I decided to blog on the beauty and grace that is figure skating. Figure skating of all forms is seriously my favorite Olympic sport (that includes the summer Olympics as well). Gymnastics are awesome, swimming is sexy (I’ll never turn down the chance to watch Michael Phelps!), skiing is intense, and speed skating is frightening (Hey Apolo, rumor has it you’re single)! But figure skating is the winner. There is no other sport that incorporates every intense cardio move and makes it glamorous. I seriously cannot get over how accomplished some of these women are! Rachel Flatt (17 years old!) is gracing my TV screen at the moment and her red skating outfit is to die for. She is only a senior in high school and has accomplished more in the skating world than I will probably ever accomplish in any world. It takes real poise to be a skater. The jumps are so difficult and yet she is hitting triple loops without batting an eye. The energy, intensity, and determination that goes into any sport is always impressive. I truly respect all athletes.

I was never much of an athlete myself. I used to want to sit on the sidelines of the soccer games, and got super stressed when my coach forced me to play. (I had this weird issue where I always thought I was going to blow the game. It was a serious anxiety problem that I should have received therapy for years ago!) I was an ice skater for a brief time in my life however. The ice rink in Bayonne, NJ was opened to me, and I even recall an ice skating show where we performed to the Green Acres theme song. I wore a cute red checkered outfit. Oh to be six years old again. I often ask myself: If I could have been awesome or famous at one thing, what would it have been? I’m pretty certain Broadway star is still at the top of my list, but I would love to have continued with figure skating. I'm not saying I could have ever been an Olympian (I'm seriously laughing at the thought of this Jersey Girl competing in any sport!), but just to be a talented skater could have been real fun. They have killer bodies and awesome posture. There also seems to be a certain confidence that comes from gliding around on the ice. And once again, those outfits are so cute! And sparkly! I attempt to get my friends to go to the ice rink in Brick, NJ every time I’m home, but we all go around in a big circle very slowly, never drifting far from the ledge. No one is really into the whole ice-skating thing like I am.

We are now on the third girl in the free skating competition. I hope an American can bring home a medal. American Evan Lysacek bringing home Gold last week was amazing. (Finding out he was a straight male figure skater was an even better treat!) I miss seeing familiar faces like Michelle Kwan, Tara Lipinski, and Kristi Yamaguchi. They were true American athletes. Let’s see if any of these young ladies can reach the bar that has been set. GO USA!

UPDATE: Okay so Kim Yu-Na of Korea will win Gold. That was the most incredible performance I’ve ever seen. Perhaps an American can get on the podium?

Peace and Love <3

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Picky Is Good...Right?

Who is the ideal man for me? This was the question I attempted to unravel in class today. Yes, this is what I accomplish when my professor is dragging on about war, war, and more war. Who wants to listen to someone talk about death, devastation, and what the exact definition of a terrorist is on a cloudy Wednesday afternoon? I would much rather think about love. It also didn't hurt that the guy I'm crushing on gave many insightful remarks about post-modern literature. I thought to myself: A guy like him could work. I’m obviously very aware that my ideal man on Wednesday may be totally different from my ideal man on Friday. I’m also aware that the chances of me ending up with this ideal person are slim (I guess), and the person I do finally end up with may be very different. You can save those lectures for another blog. This was just some harmless fun, and it lead to some interesting realizations about the person I’m turning into. Allow me to elaborate…

I'm beginning to realize that I need someone who is both creative and literary. I’m an English major for a reason - literature speaks to me. Perhaps it’s because I am both creative and literary myself, but I need someone who is able to look beneath the surface. I want a man in my life who will get excited about the new art collection being displayed at the MET. I want to read James Joyce, William Faulkner, and Ernest Hemingway together, sharing our favorite passages of books we’ve read time and time again. I want a man who loves to travel. I don’t think I would be able to survive with someone who wanted to live in a small suburban town for the rest of his life, watching football every weekend and never seeing a bigger world. Traveling to Europe, Africa, and Asia are all on my to-do list, and I would love to have my guy hold my hand as we saw the Eiffel Tower and the Great Wall of China together. With that being said, I need someone cultured. New York City is the only place I want to call home for the rest of my life – someone who had a similar wish would be nice. There is seriously nothing you cannot find in that city. I saw a couple getting tickets to a Broadway show when I was in line for my own tickets last Saturday. I thought to myself, I really want a man who will take me to see a play on a Saturday afternoon – that screams romance! He also needs to be updated on current events in our country and around the world. Nothing is more attractive to me than intelligence. I couldn't be with someone who was ignorant of the world around him, or even worse, could care less.

The man who will win his way into my heart will be successful in his own right as well, but I would love for that success to come from something he loves doing. An investment banker is an honorable job, but do many people grow up wishing to become an investment banker? I feel that nice paycheck that comes with it is a big part of the desire to enter that field. How about becoming a full time writer, or a director, or a photographer, or a musician. I know he will be full of passion and determination. I’m also so over the tough guy mentality. Sure, they are sexy, and those tattoos get me every time, but I think I would really love someone who could write me awesome poetry, or write a song just for me and play it on his guitar. Don’t get me wrong; these artsy types have their hang-ups too. A lot of emotional issues are found in creative people. I speak from experience. And perhaps we will both analyze too much to make a relationship work, but I’m definitely willing to give it a try. Perhaps I’m being too picky, but I will inform all of you right now, I will never settle. Happiness is my main goal in life, and when you settle for anything less than what you deserve, happiness is the first thing to go. So to all of you readers out there who have a male friend that fits this description, casually drop my name into conversation. Then we will tell the story of how you began our great love affair. What an honor!

Peace and Love All <3

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

You Mean I Need A Real Job?

Today is most likely my most serious day of procrastination all quarter long. I think I’m burnt out, but we still have three weeks left! I can’t just stop. It may have all began when I wrote up my 3 week to-do list yesterday. Word to the wise: Don’t ever write up a to-do list of what you need to accomplish in 21 days. It will be very long and extremely daunting. Not to mention the anxiety attack that comes after you read over the list. Seeing “write a paper” four times in a row is not the most comforting feeling. I know I will complete all I have to complete. I have a good track record of reaching the break after the quarter ends and feeling accomplished, but not really sure how it happened.

It also occurred to me the other day that I have to start applying for jobs. Can’t I just blog for a living? Life would be so much easier! My résumé is all put together and ready to be sent out to potential employers. I know I have what it takes to achieve success at any job, but I still have to get through interviews and the application process before the dream job becomes a reality. I received many tips from my weekend trip home when it comes to applying for jobs, but if any of you readers wish to share advice (or connections!), I’m listening.

Being an English major makes the job search difficult. Most of my classmates who are graduating are going to grad school. Perhaps they have the right idea. Grad school is just not in the cards for me at the moment. My mindset and my wallet are both telling me that it’s my turn to enter the real world, but my area of study makes that a tad more difficult than I would like. English majors are often asked the same question (it has become sort of a joke): What are you going to do with that degree?! What people do not realize is we can actually be successful in many different areas of the workplace. We can go into law, communications, PR, teaching, marketing, advertising, journalism and many more fields. Let’s face it, most companies need an employee who can read and write. Many of these jobs are “learn as you go” jobs anyway. It’s not like I want to be an accountant or a mechanical engineer. The job I’m looking for requires strong writing skills, strong communication skills, a creative mind, strong organizational skills, attention to detail, knowledge of social media programs, and things of that sort. The ability to split the atom bomb is not in my job description. I’m hoping that my skills, early graduation, high GPA, and personality will land me that entry-level job in a corporate communications field in New York. If not, I always have Bay Head Beach to fall back on ☺ (Mom loves this idea by the way...Just kidding!) So wish me luck as I apply like crazy to every company in the NYC metro area in the next three weeks. There was not enough on my to-do list, so I decided to add more!

Peace and Love <3

Monday, February 22, 2010

Stop The Labeling!

I’m so done with labels. Our country has this unexplainable need to fit all of the citizens of the world into neat categories. This makes it much easier to judge people without knowing anything about them. Think about how many labels we have in this country. There are Democrats, Republicans, Independents, gays, straights, bi-sexuals, men, women, transsexuals, lower class, middle class, upper class, people of different regions, people from different countries, and people of all different races. I’m sure some of you can think of many more labels that people are divided into. Enough is enough. Aren’t we all citizens of Earth? Why are labels so necessary? In my humble opinion, I think people are afraid. People are afraid of what happens when there are not neat categories – chaos must ensue!

If we were to label this Jersey girl here’s what you would get: A catholic, straight, American, New Jersey born girl, who is a registered Republican from a middle class family who believes in Gay marriage, that people have the right to love whoever they choose to love, and equality for all; a girl who wants to feed the poor and spread peace around the world, who believes in Capitalism, and also wants to build houses in Africa.

I sense some label crossings in this Jersey girl. I don’t seem to fit into any category nicely. Perhaps there are many others like me who see themselves as aberrations to the labeling process? M’s boyfriend was on the phone on Saturday night. When we discussed how much I loved the musical HAIR and how much the message of peace and love spoke to me, his response was, “So Kate’s a Democrat now?” This is a very common response to issues of this sort, but here’s what I have to say: From this moment on in my life, I will focus on the issues and the issues only. I never have nor will I in the future vote for any office based on party lines. I’m beginning to feel that parties are part of the problem. Democrats vs. Republicans, them vs. us. Perhaps we should all stay focused on what we believe in, and if that means writing in a name on the ballot to stay true to my values, I’ll do it. My hope is that some day in the near future some of the issues I believe in won’t be political issues, but basic human rights. Until that day, I’ll never label a person again.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Let The Sunshine In

Well this Jersey girl had one of the best weekends she has had in a very long time. Being home for the weekend was so nice! Catching up with friends, and being able to wake up in my big comfy bed (the best bed in the house ☺) was so great! The Jersey shore had something Ohio never gets from Dec. – April as well…SUNSHINE! The sun was shining brightly through my windows from Friday morning till Sunday afternoon when I left for the airport.

Sunshine became a common theme throughout my weekend…especially since I saw HAIR – the TONY winner in 2009 for Best Revival of a Musical. Words cannot express how I felt about this musical. In all seriousness, it was life changing. It gave me an entire new perspective on life and love. No worries family, I will not be joining a Hippie commune any time soon (maybe later, but not soon ☺), but the whole premise that love is all that is needed to make this world a better place is such a beautiful message. I did not want to jinx my Broadway experience so I did not mention anything about HAIR until I was able to see it. Originally I was planning on seeing it when I came home 3 weeks from now for my spring break. I found out a few weeks ago that the original cast that has been performing for about a year is leaving on March 7th to perform in London. Well, my spring break does not begin until the 15th, so like any dedicated Broadway fan, I booked a ticket home last week to make sure I saw this cast before they left the Big Apple.

My best friend M and I went up to the city and bought our tickets at the TKTS booth in Times Square – I highly recommend if any of you can be flexible with your day in NYC to use this resource. They sell tickets to some shows 50% off! There was a slim chance we would not get tickets, so I didn’t make a fuss about it. I literally was not calm until the curtain went up and all original cast members were singing “this is the dawning of the age of Aquarius” before my eyes.” I was in awe, I was laughing, I was tearing up, and I was dancing in my seat. It was everything I ever wanted and so much more.

After a few choruses of “Let the Sunshine In” (see I told you sunshine kept reappearing!), and dancing (peace signs in the air!) with some of the cast members I most wanted to see 10 feet away from me, M and I quickly left the theatre and went to the stage door. We patiently waited and almost all cast members filed out and signed my Playbill. This is the picture M took of Will Swenson (Berger) and I – that is one giddy Jersey girl! It does not get much better than this people! New York literally is a concrete jungle where dreams are made. And my dream of the perfect weekend was made Saturday afternoon.

I’m now back at school preparing to blast out the next 3 weeks like I blast out my a.m. cardio moves. The end is always the toughest, but I think the high I received this weekend will last me the 21 days I have until Spring Break. Thanks Mom and Dad for bringing me home, thanks M for making this an amazing weekend with the greatest best friend ever (who has awesome picture taking skills), thanks B for telling me how amazing the show was, and thanks New York for never letting me down.

I’m now a member of the HAIR TRIBE and “I Believe in Love!”

Friday, February 19, 2010

My First Movie Review

Since I have no idea what I’m going to do with my life, I figure I’ll give “movie reviewer” a shot. WARNING SOME SPOILERS AHEAD:

Now I realize I’m a week late, but I saw the movie Valentine’s Day tonight. Friends and I paid our $9.50 (which is a staggering price for a night at the movies if I may say so!) and sat in our big comfy seats to watch more stars than I can name. It was definitely not Oscar worthy, but according to professional reviewers, I must be a movie moron. I had a thoroughly enjoyable movie watching experience.

I enjoyed Ashton Kutcher and Jennifer Garner’s characters very much. I thought they were cute, and sympathetic, and each had plot lines that were believable and relatable. Even Jessical Biel (I’ll be the first to admit, I usually cannot stand this woman) was another enjoyable surprise. (Jessica Alba, on the other hand, is a waste of life – on film and in reality). Jessica Biel’s character’s hatred of Valentine’s Day, and her semi-pathetic character gave me a good laugh, and yes I felt connected to her as well. I always feel a bond with the sad, lonely pathetic people that can’t get relationships to work…hmmm…Julia Roberts and Bradley Cooper were my favorites. Mostly because at the end of the movie, when they conclude what happens with all of the characters, they both shocked me! I love being surprised in movies. It doesn’t happen enough. Movies are far too predictable nowadays, and their endings were anything BUT predictable.

Now as I said the movie wasn’t perfect. There were two very specific characters that I thought were completely unnecessary to the plot. Those characters would be the Taylors. Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner should have just kept their real names and played themselves, because there was no difference except that Taylor Swift was clearly over acting. She had a 13 written on her hand the entire time, and there was a conversation about that being her lucky number. Hey, that REALLY is Taylor Swift’s lucky number - she writes it on her hand often. Taylor Launter’s character made a comment about “feeling uncomfortable taking my shirt off in public” – hmm Taylor sure took his shirt off a lot doing publicity for “New Moon.” Taylor Swift’s character also made a comment saying she’s “not a cheerleader!” I swear by the end I was waiting for her to break into “you belong with me” on the soccer field. I didn’t find any of these references cute. It’s a movie. I wanted to see the Taylors act. Not act like they are characters when really they are acting like themselves…acting. Did that make sense?!

Anyway to conclude, I enjoyed the movie. Maybe my expectations were so low that I enjoyed it more, but it was a romantic comedy that any sappy hopeless romantic would appreciate. Go spend your ten bucks and see it, and let me know what you think!

I'm in a Garden State of Mind

Aren't my titles clever? Tonight I am a very happy Jersey girl. I am back in the Garden State for the weekend and could not be more thrilled! I traveled on a jet plane out of Columbus International Airport this afternoon, and an hour and a half later I landed at LaGuardia Airport in NYC. After my dad and I faced a little bit of miscommunication, (I thought I was in terminal C, turns out I was in B) I was on the Brooklyn Queens Expressway (BQE) heading home. Now I’ll be the first to admit, I’ve been a little overwhelmed and stressed this past week. You could say I’ve been a tad emotional. But my eyes literally welled up when I got in my dad’s car, and I do not think I was being overdramatic. I have not been home in 6 weeks and 5 days! Yes I’ve been keeping track. For me, that’s a very long time.

I’m not ashamed to say that when I’m at school, sometimes I miss home. Not in an “I miss my mommy” way (although mom, I do miss you when I’m at school!). It's more of a I want to go back to the place where my life makes sense feeling. Maybe that does not make sense to any of you, but it makes sense to me. All of my hard work will eventually lead me back to this area. Not Pt. Pleasant, but definitely New York City. Everything I'm doing right now - the lack of sleep, the 500 pages of reading a night, and the endless papers - is all focusing on achieving one simple goal - Manhattan. I want to spend the rest of my life on that tiny island, so you can imagine the overwhelming surge of joy I experience when I cast my eyes on it after 6 weeks and 5 days. Everything I've been doing in Ohio has been preparing me for the next chapter in my life, which begins in less than 4 months. This is the place I belong. This is the place where everything falls into place. I know what is important in my life, and what's not, and nothing it going to get in the way of me reaching my dreams.

It feels so good to be back! Even in my little beach town of Pt. Pleasant. Everything stays pretty constant, and that's the way I love it. I got in a little tiff with mom tonight (I’m still not exactly sure what I did ☺) and that makes me feel happy. Not because I enjoy frustrating my mom – although sometimes it’s quite easy for me to do – but because it shows that distance does not change anything. I’m home for 1 hour and get kicked out of the living room. That’s love people! Nothing really changes. It feels nice.

Tonight, I’m a tired Jersey girl. I’m sitting on the couch with my cat Bubbles watching Evan Lysacek skate for gold (Go USA), and loving every minute of it. I’m looking forward to having an amazing weekend and resting up before I go back to blast out the last 3 weeks of winter quarter! Tune in for my next couple of posts to see what Broadway show I end up seeing on Saturday. Hair is the front-runner. In The Heights is in a close second. I hope you all have as wonderful of a weekend as I plan on having!

UPDATE: Evan Lysacek just won GOLD for USA. He had a truly amazing performance. So well deserved!!! Bubbles is pleased.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Work It Out Girl!

The main point of my blog is to discuss my experiences during this crazy time in my life, but I wanted to take today (and there will probably be a few more entries like this one) to discuss another journey I am taking – the journey to get fit! Mom has the health and wellness blog, so I’m not going to write entry after entry about the different steps I’m taking to get healthy. I just want to update those who care about my progress.

I started a little before the New Year running on my treadmill at home, and once I returned to school for the winter quarter I decided to take time every morning of the week for me. Each morning, the first thing I do is work out. I have Jillian Michael’s (the Biggest Loser trainer) DVDs, and I started with her 30-day Shred. I did that DVD for six weeks straight, and just this past Sunday I moved on to her Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism DVD. Both are extremely intense and effective. The shred DVD incorporates strength training with weights (I use my 5 pound free weights), cardio, and abs. The second DVD is all aerobic and requires only your body – quite possibly the most intense workout I’ve ever done! I have lost 7 pounds since January 1st!!!

I have done all types of diets in the past; some have worked, most have not. The biggest issue I had was my hope for a quick fix. I wanted to be 15 pounds lighter in 1 month (and I thought that was totally doable). Once I saw that I wasn’t losing weight as quickly as I hoped, I became very discouraged. This time around it is all about lifestyle changes. I workout every morning and realize there is no reason (at least until I have a real big girl job, and even then, 20 minutes can always be squeezed in!) why I can’t workout every day, or at least five days a week. I’ve also started eating better, and I’ve learned many things along the way when it comes to nutrition. The majority of my dinners consist of mostly brown rice and veggies now. I used to eat Lean Cuisines every night until I realized the sodium content was through the roof! (See, always learning new lessons).

The weight I have been able to lose has also motivated me to keep going. I finally enjoy running! It took me 20 years to realize that running is actually a wonderful workout. So much stress is released with a simple 30-40 minute run around campus or the park. Once spring rolls around, I’m hoping to switch between my DVDs and running to keep my workouts fun and interesting. Running will also allow me to see more of the city of Columbus before I have to leave it. My roommate L informed me that Victorian Village is a wonderful place to run. I’ll have to check it out. I’m very proud to say that 7 weeks into my new life and I’m still extremely motivated! If any readers out there are fans of running, I hope to find some races in the tri-state area to compete in this summer and fall to give me new goals to reach. Let’s do them together!

Give me some new workout ideas if you have any. I’m always up for new activities!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Weather Outside Is Frightful!

Snow days are just not what they used to be! When I was a child and the call was made to close school for the day, the hoards of children in the neighborhood put on their snow boots, snow pants, heavy coats, gloves, hats, and grabbed those sleds. We went sledding down the hill where Herbertsville and Beaver Dam Rd. meet and had a blast! Later on in the day snowmen were made with all the trimmings, and a final snowball fight was a major event. Don’t even get me started on the awesome snow forts we used to create.

Well, those days are certainly behind us. At least they are behind me. Today Ohio State made the extremely rare, but exciting, call that classes would be cancelled! I never thought this day would come. They must have heard my curses as I trudged through snow up to my shins yesterday walking through the oval. They informed us at 6:30 this morning (even though they were most likely aware of this decision last night when Columbus city schools shut down – sneaky aren’t they?). I jumped around my room for about three minutes, turned off my dreaded alarm clock that was due to go off fifteen seconds later, and fell back asleep for five hours.

I realized that today’s snow day was not like the ones of my childhood when I got really excited…to get more work done! Yes you heard me correctly. I have tons and tons of homework (so much work that I probably need another snow day tomorrow, but that’s just wishful thinking), and today is the perfect day to get all that work done! Well, some of it anyway. And this made me happy?! Yes, yes it did. I guess I have left the days of snowball fights for good. At 1pm today I was still in my pajamas, finished a paper, I’m still working on completing three books, perfecting my presentation due Thursday, and planning out finals week. We are in week 7 of our 10-week quarter. This is no time to play around people! So yes, we poor unfortunate souls in Columbus, Ohio had a snow day, and it definitely made me realize that those days of innocent fun sledding down the Summit Drive hill are gone. It was nice while it lasted.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Jersey Girl and M Are Taking On California

Just like any diligent college student, when I have an unbelievable amount of homework to get done, I procrastinate. Last night’s procrastinations were in the form of trip planning. I did title this blog “Jersey Girl Takes On The World.” Of course I’m going to be traveling in the upcoming months to make sure I accomplish my goal of taking on the world! M and I are planning a trip to California this summer. Mom and Dad have not been informed of this trip yet, so now you guys know! I have never been to California, and I’m so excited to “look to my right and see the Hollywood sign!” Miley will be extremely overplayed throughout this vacation. Since I’m graduating college in the spring, I feel I deserve a much-needed vacation. What better place than LA: The land of celebs and sunshine. Perhaps I will finally meet my girl Kim Kardashian on Sunset Blvd. M and I are planning early hoping to find the best deals on flights and hotels. This may be one of the first things we have ever planned early! We make A LOT of last minute decisions.

Traveling with friends, especially soul-sister best friends, is one of the highlights in life. Our senior year of high school, M and I traveled to Myrtle Beach twice. We went during our spring break, stayed with a family friend and had a blast. Then we went again at the end of the summer before I left for college. We stayed in a hotel and felt like real grown-ups. Our hotel was right on the beach, and even though the weather was sub-par, it was a trip to remember. (Remember when we went in the paddle boats!) We have not had a real vacation in 3 years, so the land of sunshine better be prepared. The hardest part is planning the itinerary. Since we are not socialites, money is an issue. We are thinking four days/five nights. One of those days will be spent at Disney, and one will be spent touring Universal Studios. The other two days are floaters. We are considering seeking out a local travel agent to help us with the small details. If any of you readers out there have been to the Los Angeles area and can give us tips, that would be awesome!

I’m also (hopefully) making a trip out to visit Grandma and some relatives in Washington State this summer. The west coast better brace itself for this Jersey Girl. Did I mention I’m going to conquer the globe? I thought I did ☺

Below is a picture of M and I in Myrtle Beach the summer of 2007 - The paddle boat was taking on water. I didn't seem to mind

365 days of LOVE

Confession: I have never had a significant other on Valentine’s Day.

You heard right. The male sex and I do not connect well on the day of February 14th. Because of this, I’ve literally experienced every kind of Valentine’s Day imaginable. I’ve watched sappy love movies where one of the main characters dies at the end, and sobbed loudly all night long. I’ve had an anti-Valentine’s Day movement where I pretended it wasn’t a “special” day for lovebirds. I’ve had “single ladies” days where my single friends and I bought ice cream and made special toasts to our freedom. Yes I have experienced every emotion teenage angst could give me on this romantic day - cynicism, bitterness, and sadness. This year it is quite different. I’m at such a different place in my life that sadness does not even have a slim chance of creeping in.

This “Singles Appreciation Day,” I’m turning over a new leaf. Here’s the thing - I’m not cynical. I believe in love more than I believe in anything else. I absolutely love flowers, candies, gifts, fancy dinners with candles, and pink and red hearts. So that whole façade I have going on about Valentine’s Day being too commercial – I love that stuff! The problem I do have with Valentine’s Day is that it is ONLY one day of the year. Think about it. Our calendar sets aside one day out of 365 to love one another. Doesn’t that seem odd? What are we suppose to be doing the other 364?

L had this quote from Ashton Kutcher in her Facebook status the other night, and I really think it says exactly what I want to say to all of you.

"I think every day should be a day of romance. Then, on Valentine's Day, you should get to tell whoever you hate that you cannot stand them. There would be one day of hating, and 364 days of love."

Well said Ashton. But instead of hating anyone today (let’s face it, there is way too much hate in this world) I’m dedicating my Valentine’s Day, and hopefully every day after, to appreciating the people I love and those who love me back.

- All my friends out there who love me unconditionally. I’m celebrating my Valentine’s Day with you. I seriously have the greatest friends a girl could have. I’m very blessed.

- My best friend M is celebrating Valentine’s Day without her Boo today. This is actually a touchy subject since I convinced her to stay home instead of visiting him. I was supposed to be in Jersey this weekend. Guess who is sitting in her room in Columbus at the moment? I’m SO sorry M! The good news is today and every day she gets to be my Valentine. No one has been a better friend to me in my life. No one has stood by my side through thick and thin, and today I’m thanking you for being that person I can count on.

- My life revolves around my family. They are so important to me and keep pushing me everyday to realize my dreams. Today and everyday my love goes out to them as well.

- My love goes out to all the people hurting around the world. To the people of Haiti who are still trying to come to terms with the devastation the earthquake left behind, and so many others.

Loving others every day of our lives is the only way to bring peace to this crazy world. So today, give that helping hand, send that smile someone’s way. You may never know how much it really means to someone else. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! I hope you truly cherish those around you and make it a wonderful, happy day full of LOVE .

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Be Good To You

Last night I graduated from granny status and went out for the 2nd time in six weeks. Wait hold on. There was that one night that B, E, and I went to Sonic AND Taco Bell with some of the neighbors for a late night snack - Yea we get pretty crazy over here. Last night was so much fun spending time with friends we haven’t seen in a while and roommates we see everyday. L, B and I (oh by the way read B’s blog. She’s angry I haven’t linked her yet ☺) spent numerous hours with some ridiculous people. I don’t think we have laughed so hard in a long time. This is the part of college life I really enjoy – endless laughter. We braved the ice (although B and I were forced to trade our no-traction shoes for Uggs when we started the trek over to house number two) danced to Ke$ha, wore sports Jerseys for a “Jersey party” (I was disappointed it wasn’t an actual Jersey, as in New Jersey, party), and ended the night with some high calorie nuggets and fries from McDonalds and a sing-a-long. The night was simple, and no “ragers” were attended, but we still had a blast that lead us to say this morning “I’m SO happy we went out last night!”

Let’s face it. School is stressful. My dad tries to tell me about once a week that it is not. “College was the best years of my life!” and “I don’t remember ever pulling an all-nighter”, and “What are you crying over a paper for?!” Well graduating in three years (P.S Four months from today is my graduation. All are invited ☺), taking twenty credit hours, and trying to do better than a 3.0 has left college stressful for me. Even as I write this post, books and an empty word document that needs to have six well-written pages on it by Wednesday surround me. I have always put the most pressure on myself. It has paid off in wonderful ways that I’m really proud of, but it has left me in need of a “no brainpower required” night of fun every once in a while. Last night was exactly the right medicine for a case of weather and school blues.

I used to think I was a very selfish person because I always took time for myself. As far back as high school if I had the money I would get a pedicure or take a Sunday to lie on the couch just to watch movies all day. There were a million other things I could have been doing. I could have been donating my time to charity, or eating lunch with a bunch of different friends to make sure we stayed in touch, but instead I was watching some old movie with my dad. Then one day I realized that I was not wrong to give myself some “me” time. If I’m not good to myself how am I ever supposed to be good to someone else? If I don’t take care of myself how am I suppose to take care of others? It is not selfish to take time out of your day or to set aside a weekend night for YOU. We all have a million and one things that need to get done in this fast paced world we live in, but we will never be able to give as much as we want if we do not give what is needed to ourselves first. I come from a large extended family of givers; People that will give the shirt off their back to keep others warm. They are all such wonderful inspirations to me. My wish for these loved ones is that they give a little less to others and a little more to themselves. They would be happier, healthier and still loved and appreciated by all.

As a college student there are always numerous things to do on a Friday night to keep my stress levels down, but I recommend even for those non-college students out there finding your own escape from the daily world. Weekends should be your time to go out and see a movie with friends and loved ones, go to a really nice restaurant and eat some good food, go get your hair and nails done (the “fire me up” nail polish looks amazing on my hands and feet!), go shopping! We all deserve that one day/night of complete freedom from stress. I have heard enough times in my life that stress kills (and makes you grey prematurely which is something none of us want). I refuse to let one homework assignment ruin my weekends for me, and all of you should refuse to allow your job, boyfriends/girlfriends or kids ruin yours.

I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday and keep me updated on what you accomplish. I better hear one person tell me they did something more than shuffle the kids to basketball games or paid the bills. Life is too short not to give yourself some time. And for all you love bugs out there celebrating Valentine’s Day tonight, I hope you have a romantic night with lots of love and zero stress!

A quote from one of my favorite people of all time. I thought it was fitting:
"Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world." - Lucille Ball

Friday, February 12, 2010

Lipstick and Snow - Happy Friday!

TGIF! The weekend is finally upon us. You would think after three winters in Ohio, I would be able to handle the four months (December – April) of gray skies and daily snowfall. You would be wrong. I complain probably about once a day to my loved ones back home…My poor BFF M probably hears me complain about seven times a day. Past years they have been totally fine with listening to me grumble about snow, snow and more snow. This year unfortunately New Jersey has had bigger storms than Columbus. For some reason my grumbling is not as well received. The lack of sunshine and decent temperatures also sends my body into “sick mode.” My nose is a shade of Rudolph without the cuteness, and the skin on my face and hands needs to be moisturized about three times a day to prevent it from falling off. I think it is safe to say that not only is winter my least favorite time of year (and the main reason I knew I could never make it in the Midwest for the rest of my life), but it is also my least sexiest time of the year. I don’t know what is better – my nose running like crazy and blowing loudly into tissues during my midterm, or my adorable ensemble of sweatshirts and Ugg boots. As for today, since the local weather report is a light snowfall and 20 degrees (what else is knew), the highlight of my day involved a trip to Target. So I guess to go with the theme of my blog, I should have titled this post “Jersey Girl Takes on Target.”

Target is such a wonderful store, because even a poor college student like myself can still find something to do. It really is so much more than a store – it is a source of entertainment; A magical place where a 20-something girl can go and waste hours of her life. The make-up section alone had me hooked. So many sales were available, and I had this crazy idea that I want to start wearing lipstick. Lip gloss has been a part of my life since 7th grade, but the grown-up world is once again calling. From my obsessions with all of the “reds”, my inner Katy Perry was apparently calling as well. I found this (Cheap!) Revlon ColorBurst Lipstick, which screamed, “buy me!” but decided to hold off until I got the go ahead from my favorite beauty guru N. A second trip to Target may me made tomorrow. If any of you other beauty gurus out there want to give me some lipstick advice, I would love to hear from you! Because I could not walk away from those aisles without purchasing something to pump up my weather blues, I did buy Revlon’s “All Fired Up” Nail Polish. It is Valentine’s Day Weekend after all. Red is the only way to go. My fingers and toes are in for a real treat!

On Twitter (something I’m obsessed with and think all of you should join. I have a feeling social media is my true calling) we have something called Follow Fridays where you can recommend different people to “follow” on twitter. Since today is Friday, I want to recommend a blog I think you will love to follow! My mom Tish started her blog after the New Year and has dedicated it to “Health and Wellness.” She has been doing an amazing job, and I hope all of you will visit her site, and encourage her on her journey to get healthy in 2010. Have a wonderful, safe Friday everyone. See you tomorrow!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I'm a Jersey Girl, In a Jersey World

Yes the title of this post is from the parody of Aqua’s song “Barbie Girl” aptly titled “Jersey Girl.” It’s quite a funny song – go check it out. My brother commented on my Facebook page this morning stating, “As you grow older, you get more like mom everyday.” I’m not quite sure how to take that (no offense mom!). It was in response to my new blog, so I’m going to accept that comment as a compliment. My mom is a wonderful writer and has given me the “gift of gab.” We can both be a little long winded at times, but that just means we have a lot of thoughts circulating through our thick skulls. I’ve enjoyed writing since as far back as I can remember, and it is something I would love to make a career out of. This is where I get to test out whether I have any talent for that dream or if I should go find a husband.

I titled my blog “Jersey Girl Takes on the World” so I thought I would spend some time informing my readers who do not hail from the Garden State exactly what a “Jersey Girl” is. I think there are a lot of misconceptions about people who live in New Jersey. The Star Ledger wrote a very nice description about what a true Jersey Girl is. Warning: Snooki is NOT a Jersey Girl. Sorry for disappointing you…

"The Jersey girl..a love of an unpretentious good time, and a certain sense of style. Jersey girls are about attitude. They're about eating pizza, drinking beer, having great hair - and enjoying it all..She's got a mouth on her. She says what she means. And she's got a nice, cheerful laugh..Bottom line, all of them are sexy as hell." -The Star Ledger

I think this quote sums it up quite nicely. The majority of us are intelligent, fun loving individuals who are not afraid to get sand in our hair or salt water in our eyes. We love the beach, and the attitude is very apparent when we cannot find parking near East Avenue in Bay Head on a Saturday in July. We love our towns and get frustrated when Bennys (A.K.A. non locals – Entire MTV Jersey Shore Cast) trash it and give us a bad name. There is a reason why both of my parents graduated high school in Pt. Pleasant and Pt. Beach, moved to a million different places, and returned to the Shore to raise a family – They knew there was no place better! Sure it’s not always perfect. Sitting in slow-moving traffic behind a South Carolina plate in August for 45 minutes when it should only take me five to get home is never a joy, but then I think about how awesome the week after labor day is at the beach, and I’m happy again.

One of my roommates told me a while back that all stereotypes have to begin somewhere, which is an accurate statement. We do have Guidos that flock our Boardwalk every summer; we do drive a little erratically sometimes (although it gets us where we need to be); and some of us do tan a little more than is healthy (yours truly excluded since the sun and my pale skin do not get along). But we are also the most honest people you will ever know, and since we do not call the first person we meet our best friend, you can bet once you do get in that inner circle it’s the tightest bond you will ever have.

My roommates said to me recently, “Kate you’re not true New Jersey” and I was offended. When they explained that I didn’t fit the stereotypes and the statement was a compliment, I walked away thinking “I may not walk around fist pumping on a daily basis, but I have Jersey pride. I am a true New Jerseyite (is that what we are?) because whenever I fly into Newark, or drive over that border from Pennsylvania (and sigh with great relief!), I feel at home.

Just a few famous people who are also from New Jersey to all you haters out there:

Samuel Alito – Supreme Court Justice (Trenton)
Jon Bon Jovi – Musician (Perth Amboy)
Zach Braff – Actor (South Orange)
Danny DeVito – Actor (Neptune)
Michael Douglass – Actor (New Brunswick)
Kirsten Dunst – Actress (Point Pleasant – My Hometown!)
James Gandolfini – Actor (Westwood)
Whitney Houston – Singer (Newark)
Nathan Lane – Actor (Jersey City)
Kelly Ripa – Actress (Stratford)
Bruce Springsteen – Musician (Freehold)
Meryl Streep – Actress (Summit)

The list goes on and on ☺

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Jersey Girl Takes Columbus, Ohio

I have been staring at a blank page for over a month now trying to figure out witty ways to start off my new blog. Turns out I was making it a tad more difficult than it needed to be. So here is what is swirling around in that crazy brain of mine. I’m using this blog to ramble about my adventures in the grown-up world. I’m going to record all of my triumphs and missteps for the world to see and judge me for. 2010 is the year that could very well be the greatest year of my life, and I don’t want to miss it. I am turning 21 in April (finally!), graduating from The Ohio State University in June with my degree in English, and (hopefully) getting my first big girl job in New York City. So many amazing events are occurring soon, and I barely have the energy to think about them (or get out of bed in the morning). Mostly I’m just trying to live week by week and hope I make it to June.

My journey began in New Jersey, the Jersey Shore to be exact [insert joke here], and I absolutely loved growing up there, and I love spending as much time there as possible. With the beach, NYC a short ride away, and the best pizza known to mankind, why would anyone live anywhere else?! I wanted to discover the answer to that question so I decided to move away for college. The East coast is and will always be my home no matter where I am on the planet. I’m a true blue Jersey gal, sans the accent that really is not as common in Jersey as people think. I decided in high school I had four years to discover another world, another region of this country that I had not had the pleasure of living in. Let me tell you…the Midwest IS another world, and I was very pleasantly surprised. Ohio State is an amazing institution, and I don’t think I could have been happier anywhere else. I wanted big so I had a feeling that attending the biggest university in the U.S was a good start. Columbus, Ohio is a real charmer. The people are friendly (although sometimes I miss the rudeness of NJ – it seems more honest), the city is clean, and there are not cows walking down High Street like my friends from home told me there would be! It has been a wonderful place to spend my college years (which have been shortened to three because I’m crazy!). My roommates have become some of my closest friends, and they have all brought something to my life, which I’m eternally grateful for. My chances of meeting people from different areas of the country, Chicago and various areas of Ohio to name a few, would have been much slimmer had I attended school in the tri-state area. I will miss my BLENK (first initial of each of our names) girls so much! Yearly trips to the Bahamas will be a must!

In these last four months I have in Ohio I’m hoping to make the best of it. I don’t want to get so caught up with the future that I forget to enjoy the here and now. With that being said there is two feet of snow outside my window and a pile of books to be read for classes next to my bed, so I’m not sure how much I’ll be living it up in the next few weeks. It has been very difficult to balance work and play. Every second of free time available I feel can be used towards getting caught up with homework assignments. It is really important for me to remember that these days will be gone before I know it, and the last thing I want is to look back and say “Hmm maybe I should have spent more time with those four funny girls I live with.” With that said I have goals that I hope to accomplish before leaving Columbus for good…

1. Attend at least one more Gallery Hop in the Short North – That was fun last year
2. Eat at 3 more restaurants on High Street – Ali Baba looks intriguing
3. Go to Little Bar – That looks like the cutest bar in town!
4. Buy a birthday dress at Easton
5. Go to the market downtown to purchase fresh fruit.
6. Wine and dine in the Arena district
7. Cook at least two more “family” dinners with the roommates. Tacos last year were excellent.
8. Visit at least two of the homes of my roommates. They can duke it out who wins.

This is a very short doable list, but it is surprising to see how many easy fun things never happen. We get tired or busy and we do not take the time to enjoy the little things that can be fun (and cheap!).

I have an entirely different list in my head for what I have to do once I actually graduate (GET A JOB!), but I think that is for another day. We don’t want to get overwhelmed now do we? So this is my blog. I’m going to bring up anything that comes to my mind from the books I’m reading in class to my love of dark chocolate (Thanks N for bringing the candy!). I’m so excited for the journey awaiting me, and I hope that a few of you will take the journey with me. Growing up can be scary and so thrilling at the same time. As for now, I guess I have to go finish my homework.