Saturday, April 24, 2010

Meeting Perez Hilton

Last night, B, E, N, our friend C and I saw Perez Hilton, the self proclaimed “Queen of all Media” and famous blogger, speak at Ohio State. All of us read Perez’s website every day for our daily dish of celebrity gossip. His appearance was the highlight of my spring quarter, and I really don’t think it’s going to get better. We arrived at the new union two hours before doors opened in order to make sure we were first in line. Once the doors opened, we literally ran down to the front row to make sure we had the best seats in the house – did we ever! It was incredible.

I’m a big sap for celebrities. Their lives fascinate me, and to be honest, I just want to be famous as well. Perez understands my obsession and helps me feed it. He has all the inside scoops, and I’m pretty sure he has been the one to break every big story/scandal in the last five years. He spoke very little of his actual website however. His talk focused much more on his journey to the top of the blogging scene. He talked about growing up poor in Miami as the child of Cuban immigrants and how an intense work ethic is the most important thing you can have if you hope to succeed. He told stories of his younger years, such as begging NYU to give him more money to attend and eventually obtaining a full ride out of his perseverance. He discussed how he got fired three times in one year, and his goals to get fit and healthy (he looked amazing!). He made me laugh until my face hurt, sad when he discussed his thoughts of suicide in his twenties, and had me on the edge of my seat as he discussed the “hot mess” that is Lindsey Lohan. I have always enjoyed Perez, but after last night, I may be in love – he was just that fabulous.

I found Perez really inspiring as well. I’m trying to gather all the tips I can about making it in the “real world” since I’m being forced out into it in seven short weeks. His speech about working hard, persistence, and making yourself happy really struck a nerve. There are only two things I want in my life: success and happiness. Perez told me how he was able to achieve both, and I hope I can follow in his footsteps. He spoke about how he could care less what people thought about him and how in order to succeed you must be original and innovative. His message was really powerful for a soon-to-be graduate. I have a newfound respect for him even as he was calling Justin Bieber a little lesbian. An entertaining and honest speech – I couldn’t ask for anything more.

After his speech, we waited in a long line for a chance to get our pictures with our favorite gossiper. I get a little funny when it comes to celebs, and I was barely able to say three words to him, but I didn’t fall while walking up the stairs, and I got to put my arm around him and tell him I loved his talk, so the evening was a success. On a side note, before the show started, B was tweeting Perez like crazy hoping for a response. I decided to tweet him a quick message as well and he responded! I have been trying (quite diligently) for a year to win the contest (I’m really the only contestant – B stopped playing months ago) to be the first of our group to have a celeb tweet back at. Perez Hilton was my first response. My life is now complete.

My twitter name is @KateCFerg – follow me!

Friday, April 23, 2010


I just realized I have committed a crime against musical theatre by not blogging about my favorite show on TV – Glee. Glee has made my Tuesday nights much happier times since it aired this past September. I even made sure to be back home in time to watch the characters belt out tunes on my 21st birthday – talk about dedication! I’ll be the first to admit that Glee is one of those shows that you either love or hate, but I recommend everyone giving it a shot. It has a little of everything – humor, romance, sadness, and of course lots and lots of singing. The Glee characters have taken many hit songs and transformed them into bigger hit songs. Last week’s episode was dedicated solely to Madonna, and it was fabulous.

I have to admit I am extremely biased. I saw Lea Michele, who plays the main female lead Rachel, perform in Spring Awakening three years ago. To date, Spring Awakening is probably my favorite Broadway show. Hair comes in an extremely close second. I met her at the stage door and received her autograph. When I realized it was Lea on my TV screen, I was hooked by her amazing vocals and haven’t missed an episode yet. This season they added a new cast member Jesse, played by Jonathan Groff, who is Rachel’s love interest. Groff also performed in Spring Awakening, and I met him as well. I fell head over heels in love with him on that happy day. Since our meet, he has come out of the closet and dated Gavin Creel (sigh) of Hair, but that has not deterred my infatuation (A girl can dream right?). I bought tickets to see him perform at Joe’s Pub in NYC June 20th – I’ve never been more excited! Seeing Lea and Jonathan sing and have awesome chemistry on my TV brings me back to the Spring Awakening days – they have not lost their touch! Another Broadway star, Matthew Morrison (original Link in Hairspray), is a main character on Glee as well. Kristin Chenoweth guest stars from time to time, as does Idina Menzel. Can this get any better?! I would say no, but they always seem to be doing so – just like Lady Gaga. Speaking of Gagaloo, an episode will be dedicated to her music as well in the upcoming weeks. The TV world may explode.

If you’re not into musical theatre, this show is probably not for you. However, if you love funny humor (“When I tore my hamstring, I went to a misogynist”), romantic twists, and awesome music, then you should definitely give Glee a shot. I would like to say that I hope this show never ends, but I want to see Lea, Matthew, and Jonathan return to Broadway even more than I enjoy seeing them on TV, so I’m going to enjoy this wonderful show until they decide to return to their roots – which I hope is soon! Watch Glee Tuesday nights at 9pm!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I'm All Grown-up...Now What?

I’ve been away from the blogosphere for a few days celebrating my legal status. Yes, this Jersey girl is finally 21. I thought the day would never come! I eagerly awaited midnight on Monday night, paused for one minute to congratulate myself on reaching adulthood, and then continued with my homework due the next day (I still have to graduate people). On Tuesday, my roommates and I went to a Mexican restaurant, where I ordered a jumbo Margarita – my first legal drink. I was not carded. The last six times I have eaten at this restaurant, I have been carded and denied. The first time I want to be carded and he just takes our orders and walks away. Isn’t life funny? Last night, however, my wish was granted. I went to a local bar in town with some of my roommates and neighbors (one of my neighbors turned 21 yesterday), and we enjoyed dollar drink night (after being carded) – three long island iced teas for three dollars. I love 21.

As you can tell, I am enjoying my new experiences to the fullest extent. But of course, I'm still me, and what would make me the happiest of all on my birthday? I'll give you a hint, it has to do with books. I made M laugh the other night, because although 21 is awesome, the present I received from my parents made my birthday complete. I received “the best present ever!” – a Kindle. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this term, a Kindle is a digital reading device that allows you to download books and newspapers directly to your device for easy reading at a cheaper price. No longer will I have to pack my bags with numerous books and reading material. It is a perfect gift for the obsessed reader who spends way too much money at Barnes and Noble. I have wanted one for a very long time, but never asked, so I was very surprised when my Kindle showed up in the mail Monday evening. Major brownie points go to mom and dad for knowing their daughter so well. I’m now sitting in front of my computer debating which books to buy. I’m looking at career books since that seems to be the direction my life is heading in. “Finding employment for dummies” is not a real book unfortunately.

I have had an exciting week leading up to my birthday. I already informed you all about the insanity that was Celina, but graduation is becoming a reality as well. I received my honors braids in the mail signifying that I will graduate Cum Laude. I hung them up in my room in order to motivate myself to keep working hard. The graduation list went up this week as well, and my name is on it (my name is actually on it twice, but that’s an easier error to correct than not being on it at all!). I received an email to exit out of financial aid, and all of my bills are paid. So now it is all up to me. I am finally able to see a finish line. It’s an unreal feeling.

My birthday week unfortunately has not been without its “downs.” My mom’s best friend, and someone I have considered my aunt since I was born, passed away on my birthday. Occurrences like this really put life in perspective. While I was celebrating the day I entered this world and my life thus far, a very special person was leaving the world and heading to a better place. We all need to learn that life is very short, and we need to be enjoying and living every single moment of it. I’m living my life to the fullest, and I hope all of you are doing the same. Take risks, have fun, make yourself happy, and spread LOVE.

<3 RIP Aunt Linda <3

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Last night is going down in the history books as the craziest night I have ever experienced. Yesterday afternoon, B, L, E, and I packed up the car and drove the two-hour drive to Celina, Oh, hometown of our neighbor Gabe and some friends of ours, to celebrate Andrew “Chuck” Hoying’s 21st birthday bash. A party bus was rented out, and the girls and I were told multiple times that we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. Understatement of the year. For my readers out there who are unaware of how the party bus works Mercer County style, I’ll inform you. We arrived at this bar in Celina where an orange bus arrived and picked up about fifty of us. We then traveled to six different bars throughout the course of the night staying at each for about 30-45 minutes. It was insane.

This whole bus idea is brilliant. Just talking safety factor, no one has to drive anywhere. Our awesome bus driver Goldie (we miss Goldie already!) even dropped us all off at Gabe’s house at 2 am. The bus itself was like one big house party. Everyone danced it up in the aisle as Andrew’s birthday bash CD played over and over again. I think we may have had more fun on the bus than in the actual bars at times. Not only did we get to experience a whole different kind of bar hopping experience, but we also learned geography on the trip as well. One bar was on the border of Indiana – I had no idea we were that close. Coming from a very different background of bars…I’m talking Jersey Shore background here, I had so much fun experiencing “country bars.” John Deere Green played 72 times, and I loved every minute of it! Luckily no one had to watch me attempt to line dance. My roommates will tell you that Kate line dancing is not a pretty sight. The Cupid Shuffle is about as coordinated as I can get, but lots of other dancing was experienced by everyone.

So the night was a great success with a few memorable moments. The guy who started driving the bus when we were leaving the last stop will have a special place in my heart as the person I hate most in this world. Did I mention our bus driver was not on the bus and that we were parked next to a lake? Yup. He will be holding this title for a very long time. Memories will also include watching our fellow bus riders pass out on the bus as our night progressed. Half the bus was sleeping by the time we arrived at the end of the line. Our birthday boy walking around lost for an hour last night while the rest of us found our way back to Gabe’s house. He was lost in his own neighborhood. Making nachos with the gang…and using several types of cheeses, because apparently one is not enough. Not getting nearly enough sleep in the room I was sleeping in because of lots of chit chatters and a snoring roommate (who apparently sounds like a hippopotamus according to one of the chit chatters).

What a great way to go into my birthday week! C’mon, you all knew I had to slip in the fact that I turn 21 in 26 hours. I hope to experience something similar to what I experienced last night again in my life, but at least I know that if I don’t, I can die saying I partied it up Mercer County style. One more thing to cross off my bucket list ☺

Friday, April 16, 2010

Learning Something New Everyday

Memoirs of a pasty girl: That is what I’m titling my book if my life ever gets interesting enough to write one. I sat outside on the oval yesterday, and the temperature was an awesome 82 degrees. I had been in the English Building all day getting work done. When I returned to my apartment, my roommates and neighbors convinced me to go sit on the oval with them. The time was 5 pm, and my friends I kid you not, my legs got sunburned. I thought at first it was an allergic reaction to the grass (another chapter of my memoir: Allergies are Awesome), and I didn’t give it another thought. But today, the spot on my shin that must have been sitting in the sun, even though the rest of my body was sitting in the shade, got burnt. I didn’t think I would need sunscreen at five in the evening sitting under a tree. Turns out I was wrong.

I’m really not complaining. Red skin from the sun is much better than blue skin from the cold. Spring has unleashed the students. The oval was hopping yesterday. So many students were out with their dogs, towels, and baseballs enjoying the weather as we were. When I was walking home from my class, I noticed all of the bathing suits that have been retrieved from storage. Since the English building’s temperature is set at a lovely 59 degrees at all times, I was walking home in a sweatshirt and jeans. I felt very out of place. I also began to think about my real home. When we have nice days in Jersey, we flock to the beach. When nice days occur in Ohio, we flock to the grass.

I’ll never forget experiencing spring my freshman year of college. Once the beautiful weather hit, I was elated. My first winter in Ohio had been a near transferring experience. But that spring, I’ll never forget when I began to feel claustrophobic. I realized for the first time that I was in a land-locked state - There are no oceans around Ohio! I know you’re wondering how I even made it to college without knowing that oceans did not surrounded the state of Ohio, and of course I knew it, but it never occurred to me that this would be an issue. When weighing the pros and cons of Ohio State, my parents did not tell me there would not be a beach to go to when the temperature hit 80. Then spring rolled around, and my desire for a cool ocean breeze intensified. Growing up in a town where the ocean is right down the street, I never knew it would feel different. And it really does people, it really does. I also discovered the one positive to spending the spring in Ohio. My Jersey readers may be shocked by this information because I sure was. There is zero tree pollen covering the cars in a disgusting lime green dust. It does not exist here! My dad used to make sure I always closed my windows or else the pollen would line the inside of my car. I’m pretty sure that it comes from certain pine trees that are not found in Ohio. My allergies, while still going haywire, breathed a big sigh of relief when that was discovered.

These examples, and there are a million more (did I mention they say “tennis shoes” instead of sneakers. This one will baffle me until the day I die), are a few of the reasons I love the fact that I went to college in another state. I never thought I would be discovering a new region and culture I was unfamiliar with. I’m sure people are just as culture shocked when they visit our lovely state (I know my roommates will be this summer!), but it’s important to see how other people live. My roommates don’t know what pork roll is, and they laughed when they saw “Exit 98” as a bumper sticker on my car, but I didn’t know what “pop” was, or that they can get their 21 driver’s licenses thirty days before their actual birthday. We are learning new things about each other every day, and that's half the fun of traveling out of your comfort zone.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My New "Grand Obsession"

On Monday night, I attended my first book reading at Ohio State. My fictional writing class, which is turning out to be the greatest scheduling decision ever, requires me to attend two readings over the course of the quarter. I’m disappointed I have not attended more, because they are simply wonderful. On Monday, Perri Knize read from her new memoir, Grand Obsession, for forty-five minutes and finished with a Q&A segment. Her memoir begins with her realization at the age of forty-three that she wants to be a great pianist. The rest of the text takes the reader on the journey of her discovering and perfecting the “soul-mate” of pianos. I have not read the book yet, but after her reading, I now have it on hold at the library.

I went into the reading completely unaware of who Knize was or what she did. Her back-story peaked my interests in her as a person and her work. She is a native New Yorker, and spent much of her years living in Manhattan. As you all know, I stand with open arms to anyone who hails from the East Coast. She discussed New York in great detail: streets she lived on, stores she frequented, and restaurants she ate at. Needless to say, after her introduction, I could not wait to hear what she had written. The fact that her memoir focused solely on music was a perfect match as well. Music has always been a love of mine, and although I regrettably don’t know how to play an instrument, Knize informed me that it is never too late to learn. Perhaps I will get those piano lessons after all.

After this lecture, I am more determined than ever to get published. Watching a professional writer read her work to an auditorium full of people reminded me that I have what it takes to have my work published as well. I once read an article about a professional ballet dancer that, as a child, attended The Nutcracker performed by The New York City Ballet. As she watched the dancers leap on stage, she said aloud, “That’s what I’m going to do.” I felt the same way Monday night. I always knew I wanted to write, but now I know I’m going to write.

Since my time at Ohio State is almost at an end (Less than 2 months!), I searched online and found tons of book readings in the NYC area. I have opened my eyes to an entirely new area of culture that I have never taken advantage of. I’m attending another reading tomorrow night by a professor at Ohio State who has just published a new book. I cannot wait to get inspired all over again.

Peace and Love <3

Monday, April 12, 2010

Applications, Cover Letters, and Resumes...Oh My!

It’s official. Applying for jobs is a very stressful experience. If only I had a mother who was one of the top recruiters in the country…oh wait, I do. I’m not even going to get started on that argument again, because it will most likely bring on fight #367. I’ve decided to find jobs the old-fashioned way. I’m applying myself, and boy is it rough out there. I have sent resume after resume, and still have gotten very little feedback. I refuse to believe that I’m not qualified, because that would hurt my self-esteem, so I’ve got to assume that there are a million people more qualified than I am…which is still disheartening.

Here’s my request: I just want the interview. Give me the interview, and I will talk the ear off any potential employer about why he/she would be a moron not to hire me. I know I have what it takes to succeed at any job I take on, but I’m not going to get anywhere if I don’t get the interview. I’m not making excuses for my own lack of skills, but it is a tough market right now. You have hundreds of people ten times more qualified than I am (who am I kidding…a hundred times), and they are more than happy to take on the lower paying jobs. I thought for a while that I was in the perfect position to be employed. I’m graduating in three years, my GPA is wonderful, I have a few skills that could be useful to any company, and they could pay me little money, because I’m entry-level, right? On the other hand, I could be seen as being young and inexperienced because I've only had one internship and worked at the beach last summer. This is quite the conundrum.

I’ve been told by both of my parents to be patient. If any of you know me very well, you know “patient individual” is not something I would put on my resume. I’m a go-getter. I have a very hard time sitting around waiting for life or mom to happen. If any of you know mom, you also know waiting for her could take a loooong time. I have had this itty bitty dream for about 10 years now of living in New York and making it big. This dream (besides the “making it big” part) is so close to happening now, and I cannot stand the waiting. I have been told: First comes employment, then comes apartment. Well, employment better start showing some signs of life! I’m glad that my parents are perfectly content with me living at home for the rest of my life, but I’m not quite so pleased with that arrangement. So to my readers, if you hear about a job opening up in New York City, I’ll take it. I may be picky about my men, but as you can see I’m not picky about employment. ☺

Peace and Love all! <3

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Sparks After Midnight

I’m curious to know what you all feel about finding potential dating partners at parties or bars late at night. My mom always told me growing up that nothing good happens after midnight. She actually started with nothing good happens after ten, but once she realized that logic wasn’t going to keep me from going out at night, she pushed it to midnight. I tend to agree with her thought process. At any party I have ever attended, most of the attendees are slightly drunk, very drunk, or blacked out by about midnight. With that being said, can you find a love interest with actual staying power at a party/bar? I’m talking about actual dating with dinners, movies and sober talks. One-night stands do not count.

My parents actually met in a bar. If I recall the story correctly they were introduced by a mutual friend at one of the local joints in town. My mom even went home that night and told a friend (or her mom?) that Harry Ferguson was the one. I don’t always listen to every detail of mom's stories, so my recount may be a little fuzzy, but it was definitely a bar and that thought did cross her mind. My mom never mentioned my dad pounding back seven beers before they began to get to know each other, and she never said she had taken four shots to calm her nerves, so I’m left to assume that they were both slightly sober when this meet and greet took place. So my next question comes into play…do you have to be sober to find a potential match with staying power?

I would say yes. In my experience, I have never met anyone that I found “dating attractive” while at a party. Think about all of the problems that occur at parties. Beer is spilling everywhere; you can barely hear yourself speak over the loud speakers, and that potential person may go out and have a cigarette ruining all chances of a happily ever after because you are not picky, but could never date a smoker. Okay, maybe those are just issues for me, but these are common complaints I hear on a weekly basis.

Personally, I’m a daylight seeker. If we can have a good conversation sober, and I feel you are nice enough to bring home to my mom and dad who met at that bar, we may have a match. Daylight is the true test. When forced to communicate in the harsh sunlight without the glazed eyes that prevent you from seeing my flaws, I know you like me for me…and vice versa. At parties, I’ve learned from experience that some conversations do not even matter after midnight because people wake up the next morning and forget they ever met you in the first place. It's important to remember names in order to make a relationship work.

I personally feel meeting your next stable relationship at a party is an exception to the rule. Too many substances are inhibiting people from connecting on that level that you need to connect with in order to have that stable relationship. I’m also a fan of being friends first, because you feel comfortable with one another and understand each other on that basic level of companionship. Unless there is daylight bonding, relationships after midnight do not work. If anyone would like to challenge me, I welcome your opinions.

Till next time: Happy Hunting. <3

Thursday, April 8, 2010

I Need Inspiration!

My writing fiction class is requiring me to write a 2 to 6 page story due next Wednesday, and as the title of this post conveys, I need inspiration! I knew before taking this class that it was going to push my comfort level. The story that I need to create has to be distributed to all twenty classmates and the professor, and then it will be workshopped the following Monday. I am currently taking deep breaths in order to prevent a panic attack. I have written many stories in the past, but most of them are not what I would consider “high literature,” and some are not very good. Now, I actually have to get critiqued…publicly!

I am well aware that in order to become a published writer, you are required to submit work to a publisher and will most likely get rejected. Writing professionally is all about rejection. With that said, they often do not tell you to your face your plot sucks, your characters suck, and your writing style sucks. It is usually done in a nice sugar coated letter that you are able to burn afterwards. I have never been put on the spot to write before, and now I am definitely thinking too hard. My professor informed us the other day that well-received stories usually include unhappy characters. Death, betrayal, and loneliness are staples in any well-written piece of work. My problem is that I’m the author that wants all of her characters to live happily ever after. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that I, myself, hope to live happily ever after, or as close to it as one can get. I believe in karma. If I give my characters hopeful story lines, God will give me one. That’s how it works, isn’t it?

So the girl who analyzes everything and who believes in rainbows and butterflies now has to write a story about pain and unbearable sorrow. The wonderful thing about writing is that it makes you dig deep inside yourself until you can find that source that is aching. Even the happiest person in the world has a dark side. Through my writing, I am able to discover mine. I went through a number of scenarios that could occur in this extremely short story. I thought about having a woman, who is betrothed to a man she does not want to marry, throw herself off a cliff, but that seemed too cynical. B wanted me to write about nudists. Actually, she wanted me to write about her at first, but then she brought up the idea of a nudist. It may seem odd, but we discussed how our country places a taboo on nakedness and a stigma on those who choose to wear no clothing. I enjoy stories that include political statements. E informed me that I could create a story based on crime at the zoo – and the animals could talk! I may save that idea for a later story. Vampires also came to mind, but I think that has been a tad overdone lately.

There really are a million things to write about. My professor explained that in order to create a plot worth reading, an author has to make it clear what their characters want, and then take it away from them. The rest of the story is then used deciding whether the characters overcome obstacles to obtain what they want or whether they crash and burn. Being an author is like playing God – I am the one in control.

If any of you have ideas for my stories let me know! I will credit you when I'm famous. When my story is complete I will publish it on my blog. I figure if I’m allowing my judgmental class to view my work, I can allow my faithful readers to read it as well. Have a wonderful Thursday all! <3

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

2 Weeks To Go

I discovered last night that the two weeks leading up to your 21st birthday are the most difficult two weeks of your non-legal years. Last night we celebrated the birth of our wonderful roommate N. The five of us, along with her boyfriend, went to Mad Mex in the Gateway to celebrate her finally being legal. I’ll admit I was happy just to be able to take in the festivities since most bars are 21+, but since we went to a restaurant, E and I were able to enjoy the sight of N taking her first shot of Jack Daniels – her boyfriend’s terrible idea! When the waitress asked what we would all like to drink, E and I asked for our traditional waters as the rest of the table sipped on margaritas, sangria, and lemon shots. At times I get frustrated because I know there is absolutely no difference between me today and me in two weeks, but rules are rules and my day is right around the corner.

I had no problem not being 21 until this year rolled around. Even as far up to December we all seemed to be in the same boat. January, however, hosted a slew of parties and many bar trips for our friends and neighbors. Now that M is 21, as well as most of my friends and roommates, the anticipation of my birthday is more than I can stand. M informed me of all she did at the bars in New Mexico when she was visiting J, and I was very jealous. Thinking about how I will be able to do all of that soon enough made the waiting even more difficult. Thirteen short days until I can finally go to bars to mingle, dance at clubs, and buy my own alcohol. I have a feeling these next two weeks are going to be the longest two weeks I have ever experienced.

I want to point out that being 21 for me is not about getting wasted every night. I absolutely hate the next day hangover that leaves me in bed for the weekend, and my attempts to get fit would be thwarted by cocktail after cocktail. What I do want is the social experience that comes from being 21 (and one margarita never hurt anyone). There are so many people to meet and so many fun things to do in this world. Once you are 21, there are very few things you can’t do (well, you can’t rent a car, but that’s about it). I’m sure being legal will get old quick. My bank account cannot support bar hopping four nights a week, but I’m hoping that I will broaden my social horizons and come out of my comfort zone by hitting the dance floor. The waiting is hard, but I can say that unlike other people I know, I am legit excited for this birthday. I never had a fake I.D. to get me into bars, so I will truly be experiencing some of this for the first time. I’ll only be 21 once, and I plan on living it up!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Confidence and Cellulite

At times, I think I would be an excellent blogger for the self-conscious people of the world. I could be a semi-success story of a girl who grew up to love herself. There are many times throughout the year when a woman’s confidence level is challenged. Depending on the person, a number of things could cause this confidence drop. For yours truly, the list includes weddings (if I’m not in a relationship), bad hair days, bikini season, and the beginning of spring. Shorts and tank top weather and I have a love/hate relationship. I absolutely love the warm weather the spring brings, and I absolutely hate the fact that I have to show off my pasty white legs to the world. Luckily, I have been working out consistently since January, and my legs have definitely toned up. Shorts may be bearable this quarter.

B tweeted this morning: “I forgot how much cellulite is on display during the spring quarter.” I immediately ran to my mirror and wondered if my name was going to be added to some cellulite showing website page if I went out in public! My instincts tell me no, but the thought pushed me to start my next challenge in order to get fit. Starting today, I will be writing down everything I eat and drink for the next couple of months. It is proven that if you write down what you eat, you are likely to eat less. My workouts have been going great, but food has been my Everest. I love food too much, and eat more than I should in a day. I also eat late at night, snacking at 10pm during a homework break. This needs to end. Feelings like these have nothing to do with vanity. Okay, they have a little to do with vanity, but if me wanting a hotter body is what is going to get me into the greatest shape of my life, I’m okay with that. I’m determined to live a healthier life, and I’m determined to have cellulite-free legs.

The one thing good about winter is that we get to cover up. Sweatshirts, sweatpants, and lots of blankets hide any part of the body that we do not wish to reveal. Winter is the equivalent to a lazy Sunday that is stretched out to three months. I enjoy spring because it asks more of you. Spring and summer challenge you to be active and healthy. Because I know I have to go out in less clothing in order to be comfortable, I want to be the most comfortable I can be. This includes losing the extra winter weight and pushing my endurance levels so I’m able to keep up with the fast pace of spring, but also switching the chocolate for an apple, and going for a run instead of lying on the couch. Simple changes are going to be how I change my body and my mental outlook on life. If we all make these small alterations, perhaps there will be more confidence in the world and less cellulite on our bodies.