Thursday, May 27, 2010

Life is Good

Once again I have been missing from the blogosphere. The next couple of weeks are going to be insane. I was standing in line with E to purchase movie tickets tonight for Sex and the City 2 (it ended up being sold out. We’re going tomorrow ☹), when I asked her what I should do my last two weeks, because that is about all I have left. Two weeks from right now I will be a DWCG (Done With College Girl). How unbelievably insane is that? I have three classes left as an undergrad, and I’m about ready to scream from the rooftops. I need to plan an itinerary (and find time to study for finals) of what I’m going to do. I may need to take a walk through the Wexner Center on campus, I know there is a rare books collection around here somewhere, there are still numerous bars I have yet to enter, so many eateries have not been eaten at, and I have friends I need to say goodbye too – where will I find the time!

Warning to any young high school senior / college freshman out there. These years fly by. You will walk into convocation your freshman year (I still remember where I sat), you’ll blink, and boom! Your cap and tassel will be sitting on the desk in your room next to boxes packed to go home. I’m not ready to say goodbye quite yet, so I’m not going to turn this into a sorrow-filled “thanks for the best three years of my life” speech – I just finally understand what my cousin was talking about when he said it was going to go quick. I have done a lot in the last month or so as far as enjoying Columbus goes. The roomies and I went downtown last weekend to the “real clubs” and had a blast! They are much roomier than the clubs around campus, and they host a more adult crowd. I’m now extremely excited to frequent the New York City bars/clubs – summer here I come ☺

As you can tell from my 11:30pm blog post, tonight is a quiet night for me. The weeks exhaust me. I’m going to make it out of the apartment the rest of the weekend because I have to celebrate the end of my own era. But don’t think I never accomplish anything on my calm nights. My big Victorian poetry paper is complete, the bathroom is clean, and hey, I’m blogging. I call that a successful night. My room even may get cleaned tonight. I am relishing my down time (because it doesn’t happen that often!), and I love getting work accomplished. My type-A personality and perfectionist lifestyle may keep me single for life, but I’m going to be a CEO someday, so I’ll have the last laugh ☺

On a somber note, last night a member of my graduating class tragically died. Point Pleasant is like one big family, and our high school was no different. I knew every member of the class of 2007, and to lose one of “us” so young with so much ahead of her is truly unfathomable. I will be asking why for a very long time. Please join me in praying for her loved ones left behind. No one should have to deal with something like this, and it is simply unfair. It’s really upsetting that it takes moments like these to cherish our own friends and family – we should be doing that everyday – but take the time to hug those dear to you, and say “I love you” everyday. Life is so precious, and we all need to live our lives to the fullest. Rest in Peace Kyleigh <3

I truly love each and every one of you: Those who have stood by my side through every storm, those who have walked away, and those I have yet to meet. Life is beautiful. Let’s enjoy it.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Another Birthday in Columbus!

Is there anywhere in this country where the sun is shining today? Ohio has been under clouds for weeks. Okay, maybe it has only been one week, but it feels like much longer. This has been the rainiest spring. Last year, the start of summer was extremely gloomy, and I’m really hoping we do not see a repeat. Besides the weather, life has been good in Columbus, Ohio. Our very own B turned 21 yesterday. (Another one joins the club! Get a move on E!!!) Tonight the girls and I are going out to celebrate B's birthday at our favorite Mexican restaurant with margaritas and nachos! It is sure to be a blast.

I love going out to dinner. Not only is the food usually better (I’m still learning the art of cooking), but it is also one of the few times that the five of us are all together at one time. We are busy girls, and it’s difficult to steal an hour alone together – except during Glee, but we don’t speak while Glee is on, so that doesn’t count. My favorite part about going to Ohio State is, of course, my roommates. We are very different people, and yet we fit together very well. I’m inspired by all of them on a daily basis, and I love having alone time so I can hear about their lives when we are apart. It was either last school year or the beginning of this year when I realized I had no idea what L did at her job – or what her job was. That’s how I knew I wasn’t paying enough attention to her life. I love knowing what they do during the hours they are away from home, because it is so different from what I am doing. I would love to sit and watch N make ceramic creations – she comes home with art products all over her clothing, and all I can picture is her sitting there like Kirstie Alley and one of the Olsen girls in “It Takes Two”. Is that how it works N?

The future always excites me because it’s unlimited. Anything can happen. We have ideas in our heads that could end up being completely different realities. I see B becoming famous, N being a make-up artist/personal stylist (to me preferably…this is my fantasy after all), E is going to personally cut the number of divorces in the country in half, L will win a Pulitzer Prize for journalism, and I will win the Oscar for Best Screenplay (And B can star in the movie!). I would say “Back to reality,” but I actually believe all that is possible. Someone has to do those things, so why not us? I love thinking about where the five of us will end up in life. We will be friends – anything less is not an option, but where will we all be living? Will we get together once a year for a vacation – a tropical place would be nice! What careers will we all have, who will our husbands be, kids??? Little LHs running around…What a happy image!

I’m so lucky to have the extended family I have here in Columbus. Words will be unable to express how much I will miss them - I become misty eyed thinking about it, but I’m excited to watch us grow more than we already have. College years are the important years. This is where we discover who we are and what we want to be, and what an amazing group of friends to take this journey with. I’m eternally grateful to all of them. Okay enough of the sentimentalism; it’s time for dinner.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Thank You Hollywood

Last night, E and I saw “Letters to Juliet.” It was a charming and funny movie with beautiful scenery – the scenery may have been my favorite thing to look at in any given scene, although Christopher Egan wasn’t too hard on the eyes either. We were able to travel from New York to Italy and back again all within the span of two hours. The movie is not going to win an Oscar any time soon, but any movie that combines Italy, pasta and Bryant Park is okay by me. What I really love about the movie is the fact that Amanda Seyfried’s character Sophie is an aspiring journalist working for the New Yorker as a fact checker. She goes to Italy, and while there decides to write this beautiful love story that she watches unfold before her eyes. Perhaps it’s just because I’m obsessed with the thought of being published myself, but I feel like many of the movies I have seen lately have main characters that are writers or journalists of some kind.

“Sex and the City 2” is coming out in less than two weeks (*cue screams from women all over the world*), and we all know about Carrie Bradshaw - the fashion savvy sex columnist who becomes a best selling author along the way, Sandra Bullock’s character in “The Proposal” is a top book editor, “The Devil Wears Prada” is all about Andi’s desire to become a journalist for a major magazine, Jennifer Aniston’s character in “The Bounty Hunter” works for the Daily News. In fact, I’m pretty sure it’s a solid profession for many characters in movies – especially women. These women of course make the profession seem like a breeze. They are all living in amazing apartments, wearing four hundred dollar heels, and all seem to be in the size 0-2 range, but that’s Hollywood for you. I prefer to focus on what companies they write for and what sort of pieces they write. Sophie’s job at the New Yorker would be a dream job – and traveling to Italy and writing about love…not too shabby. Carrie’s job would be a very close second: Men and Manolos…has that article already been written, or can I call dibs?

The profession is glamorized, and the actresses portraying these writers are not real writers, but it is still exciting to see your dream profession come to life before your eyes. I love watching Carrie Bradshaw get writer’s block, and I love seeing Andi on location at a Dolce and Gabbana shoot in central park. I love hearing Norbert Leo Butz sing, “We start to take the next step together, found an apartment on seventy-third, The Atlantic Monthly’s printing my first chapter, two thousand bucks without rewriting one word.” Okay that’s an off-Broadway musical, and he’s a guy, but it’s still inspiring. It is my dream to sell my first chapter to a publication as well. On the days when I cannot think of one word to write down on the page, I play this song on repeat, and the words flow.

People need something/someone to inspire them in order to push them to greatness. That’s why young boys and girls watch endless hours of sports hoping to become as good as Kobe Bryant, Peyton Manning, Lindsey Vonn, or Serena Williams. That’s why people listen to music about overcoming the odds or people remembering their names (yes, that is from Fame). We all want something to believe in, and we need to see it play out for others so we can say to ourselves, “I can do that.” Now, I am never going to win Olympic gold (if you’ve seen me play sports you know why), but writing, well I’m pretty sure I can do that. And I thank Hollywood for giving me DVDs to pop into my TV at night to help me believe.

Friday, May 14, 2010

It Feels So Right!

What a beautiful day! Some days I wake up feeling like my life makes sense, and today was one of those days. I’m ready. That’s the first time I’ve been able to say that, but I’m really ready. I feel prepared, I feel empowered, and I feel everything I always thought I would feel when my graduation day became an upcoming event and no longer a distant hope.

I’ve changed so much in the last three years. I’m at a place in my life where I don’t allow people to get to me. It’s a wonderful feeling. I have my friends, my rocks, and my confidants – the people that know me and understand what I’m all about. I have my family who loves me unconditionally and pushes me to greatness, and I have myself. I love the person I’ve grown up to be, and I’ve never been more proud of who I am. I’ve expelled drama from my life, because frankly, I just don’t need it. I walk around and see sunshine, flowers, life and love happening everywhere. Why would I ever allow negativity to bring me down? This is the place I wanted to be at when I graduated college, and I’m there. That’s how I know I’m ready to say goodbye.

I went to the bookstore and purchased my cap, gown and tassel for graduation. Ohio State must be playing some cruel joke forcing their graduates to sit in the football stadium in June wearing all black, but that’s a discussion for another day. Thirty-one dollars later, I arrived home and went to hang up my gown. I cheated for a quick second in the same way a woman cheats before her wedding day by slipping her wedding dress on. My cap and gown fit like a glove, and I literally got chills up and down my body when I put it on. Didn’t I just graduate high school? That was yesterday right? How in the world am I doing this all again? But it feels so right.

I was chatting with my best friend M on the phone earlier, and she said she actually might cry at my graduation, because it is such an exciting moment. That’s a big deal coming from M – she doesn’t cry at anything! After she stated this to me, I laughed and thought about the giddy emotional wreck I will be that day as well. I’ve worked so hard, and it is all going to pay off in thirty short days. I spoke with Mom today as well, and she seemed so happy when I told her I purchased my cap and gown. Having my family and best friend at my graduation is making me happier than the actual event of graduating. I know that they are all so proud of me, and I know that they are all coming to support me, and it means the world. All of the assignments I have yet to finish are not causing me stress anymore, because I know that each one I cross off my list gets me one step closer. It feels so good to be prepared.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

No Sleep For The Next Month

We have officially hit the one-month mark. This is starting to get pretty unreal. I have three weeks left of classes and four weeks left until I’m finished with college. I have been having a lot of trouble sleeping at night because of the anticipation. I’m so excited to graduate. I’m finally ready to move on to the next chapter of my life, but the thought of leaving my roommates makes me nauseous. We’ve been together for three long years, and now I have to say goodbye and move eight hours away? When will I see them next? I’m not sure. We’re planning on them all coming to visit me in NJ this summer, but then what? These girls have become my family, and it’s really hard for me to think about leaving them and needing to work hard to see them throughout the year.

Then the anticipation returns. When I can’t fall asleep, I think about all I need to accomplish. I wrote my long “3 week to-do list” again. If you recall one of my previous blog posts (which I feel was not that long ago!), I wrote how 3-week to-do lists were a one-way ticket to panic attacks. I was correct in that assessment. Luckily, I do not have nearly as much work to accomplish – hallelujah! I’m at a place where I feel like this whole graduation thing is really going to happen (I was certain I was going to fail a class about six weeks ago). I have yet to purchase my cap and gown for fear of jinxing myself, but I’m getting close. Packing up my bedroom has been another late night thought fest. I have collected a lot of “junk” over the past two years living in my apartment. I’m hoping three bins from Target will do the job, but I may be underestimating how much “junk” I really have. If anyone wants to come visit me in Columbus and help me pack, I would be much obliged.

I’m still applying for jobs everywhere and anywhere that seems interesting. After my last interview at a company that I was interviewing at simply because I wanted a job and not because I was eager to work there, I have applied only at places where I really want to work. Numerous magazines, publishing houses, and media outlets have received multiple cover letters and resumes from me in the last couple of days and many more are coming your way! I have applied for assistant positions and entry levels jobs in hopes that I can just get my feet in the door. At this point, I would happily accept Andi’s job working for Miranda Priestly (Stop reading, and go watch “The Devil Wears Prada” this instant if you are not familiar with this reference). I’m sure I will have to work long hours and receive little pay, but it’s a small price to pay for top-notch experience in a field that I dream to be a part of.

See ya in 31 days East Coast <3

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

33 Days!

Yesterday, I found out that I did not get the job I interviewed for ten days ago. I was a little surprised since the interview was such a positive experience, but I truly believe everything happens for a reason. The job was in Jersey City – a lovely part of Jersey City, but still Jersey City, and I’ve dreamed all my life of being in the fast paced, cutthroat environment that is Manhattan. The fact that I did not receive this job just reconfirmed my belief that I belong in NYC. I want to live there, I want to work there, and I want to thrive there – no more applying for jobs in other locations. I know where I’m supposed to be.

I laughed at myself for being surprised that I didn’t get the job, because I realized there was no way I was that lucky. When I applied for college my senior year of high school, I was accepted to every school I applied to. Every job I have ever applied to for summer employment, I have received. But there was no way I was going to be fortunate enough to land my first “real” job after only one interview. Some people go on thirty or forty interviews before landing that coveted job. I know this rejection has nothing to do with my skills – at least they told me it has nothing to do with my skills, so it is time to search for jobs again. I applied for about seven jobs last night that I feel would be a better match for me and my interests. I want to be in publishing and/or media, and that is where I’m going to dedicate my focus.

Unfortunately, I am back to bothering mom. She doesn’t know it yet, but I sent in a cover letter and a resume to the general applicant pool at her company, and guess who gets to sort through all of those applicants – Tish! I left her a charming message this morning stating that I was searching for employment, so we’ll see if she pulls through ☺ Mom keeps telling me to stay focused on school – and she is right. I spent hours applying for jobs last night and have not even started to begin planning out my massive paper due in my Victorian Novel class next week. If I’m going to search for jobs, I need to get homework done as well. Landing the dream job is not going to help me if I end up failing school! This is all such a fascinating learning process for me, and I’m learning to have better time management skills as well. Apply for jobs one day, and write a paper the next – that seems fair.

In other graduation news, my name is finally correct on the Arts and Sciences bulletin board. For about two weeks, “Kate Cecilia Fergusan” was receiving a diploma – Is it really that difficult to change an “a” to an “o?” Apparently. Yesterday, the list went up again and the correction was made. As long as I stay focused these next 33 days and get all my work done – “Kate Cecilia Ferguson” is graduating from The Ohio State University on June 13th. Wish me luck!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

I’m dedicating my blog today to all the mamas of the world. Thank you moms for all of the wonderful things you do every day for us kiddies. We wouldn’t be here without you…literally! I find it kind of funny how we dedicate only one day out of 365 to celebrate moms. Every day should be Mother’s day! Moms make the world go round. All moms are working moms whether they are full-time moms, or hold three jobs, and they all play a large part in molding their children into the adults they will grow up to be. So thank you moms (and single dads!) for being so wonderful!

I could not write a Mother’s Day blog post without dedicating some time to my mom Tish. How to put into words the person that Tish Ferguson is? I have never known a more caring, dedicated individual than my mom. She would give the shirt off her back to anyone in need (she actually has done that) and is always there for any friend who knocks on our door. All have always been welcome in my home, and she makes others feel as comfortable as humanly possible. Over the years, she has done everything for me. My birthday parties, shopping trips, hair styles, prom dresses, dinner dates, and so much more was all made possible thanks to her. She was the one who brought me to New York so many times as a child and allowed me to experience all that wonderful city has to offer. She has listened to my dreams and has never scoffed at my aspiration to become a published author - in fact she has encouraged me to write more. I owe it all to her. My mom has taught me so many lessons over the years. When I was younger, I thought she worked long hours because she wanted to – she had to enjoy it right? As I got older, I learned that she worked till midnight night after night for my family. She wanted to help provide for us so we could go on vacations and have nice Christmases year after year. I learned that everything she ever did was for my brother, my dad and I. I’m eternally grateful for it all, and I’m sad today that I’m in Ohio while she is home in NJ. Next year, I promise I will be taking you out for a nice brunch and buying you a well-deserved gift. No one could be more proud of you or love you more than I do!

Happy Mother’s Day! xoxo

Friday, May 7, 2010

I'm Still Working Hard (And My Roommates Are Hating Me!)

37 days. I’m finally at a point where I think it is appropriate to have a countdown until Graduation. So, what is this Jersey girl doing in her last 37 days at college you ask? Well, my roommates all left me this weekend (burglars know what house to hit up tonight), so I will be having a movie night on my couch with my laptop, a nice blanket, and myself. Do I know how to party or what? I’m not too bummed with my nighttime plans. This week took every ounce of energy I had left in me. Yesterday when I arrived home from class, I took a four-hour nap. That’s a little excessive, but my body was screaming to be rejuvenated. I really enjoy taking care of myself, and a little nap here and there is what I need to keep focused on the end goal.

I haven’t blogged in a while about my workout endeavors. I want all of you to know that I am still going strong. May 4th marked the four-month mark of my daily workout routine. I try to only skip one day a week, and if more cannot be avoided, I never go more than a day without working out. I have never felt better. I’m still working on the healthy eating side of the bargain (sometimes chips and queso cannot be resisted!), but the workouts free my mind of stress and help me feel great. Today, I tried Jillian Michaels’ DVD “No More Trouble Zones” for the first time. This workout is a 45-minute weight lifting workout, and it was the hardest thing I’ve done this far on my journey to obtaining the most in shape body I can. I wish someone would have video taped me attempting to do side lunges thirty minutes into the workout – I could have been a youtube sensation. I literally fell over multiple times, and at one point during the abs circuit, I accidentally allowed my legs to go behind my head causing me to do a backward somersault. Jillian would be proud.

I guess I’m not making my own workout video in the near future, but the important thing for me is that I never quit, and I love trying new things. I ran around town all last weekend while I was home, I did Jillian’s cardio blast DVD’s this week before class (although I had to move my 6 am workouts to later in the day because I was waking up the house with my jumping. Some people can be so grumpy at the crack of dawn), and today I attempted to lift heavy weights switching to water bottles half way through (in my defense, Jillian was using 3lbs and I was using 5). Today, I treated myself by purchasing “10 minute Solution: Rapid Results Pilates.” It is due to arrive in the mail on Tuesday, and I’m very excited to try a new workout. I have heard rave reviews from other Pilates’ devotees, and I hope this can be a new workout that I will love. As long as I keep working hard, I allow myself to purchase new DVDs. Kim Kardashian’s “Fit in Your Jeans by Friday” is next on the list! Wish me luck, and take care of yourself.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

She Works Hard For The Money

I’ve been chatting a lot about the wonders of Twitter. I feel everyone should have a Twitter account. If you’re not into celebrities and do not like following everything they do in a given day like yours truly, Twitter can still be very useful. An example is that I follow numerous New York City twitter accounts that give me information such as shopping tips (there was a Manolo Blahnik sample sale last week selling shoes from as low as 100 dollars). I also get updates on filming sights, top eateries, and specials throughout the city. I was able to buy tickets to see Broadway star Jonathan Groff because a Twitter account announced he would be playing at Joe’s Pub. I was one of the first to purchase tickets and got them for 23 dollars a piece – they sold out not long afterwards. Most companies have now hopped on the Twitter bandwagon as well, and job searching and gaining information has become much easier. I’m a firm believer in being well versed in the next big thing. It’s one of the reasons I want an IPad and it’s why I read the WSJ on a daily basis. New social media sights are always popping up, and in this tough market, if you are slow at discovering new information, you will be left behind.

Most news sources have Twitter accounts as well, and all of the top stories of the day often become “trending topics” – stick with me reader who is unfamiliar with twitter terminology. A trending topic is a word or phrase that is mentioned quite often in posts by twitter users. For example, many people were posting about the Times Square bomber the other day, and his name (once discovered) became a trending topic. I follow topics in the NYC region, and today at the top of the list was “Worst-Paying College Degrees.” Usually, trending topics (TTs) are not this stiff. “MyFirstKiss” was trending at a close second. I was intrigued, so I clicked on the TT and found that it stemmed from a Huffington Post article posted today in their college section.

I found this article interesting (and not too shocking). Obviously, Finance is not on the list and Drama is, but I was focusing more on people’s interest in making money. We all want to make money, or at least I do, but how far do people go in order to make money? Social work was on this list (sorry E!), and I couldn’t help thinking about how we need social workers, and what a valiant decision it is to go into such a field and deal with so much heartbreak. Elementary Ed was also on the list (not sure if this counts for N, but if it does, sorry for you too!) I’m interested to know how many people decide every year to step away from the Elementary Education field because the pay is too low. My major (shockingly!) was not on the list. I see two reasons for this. One, English majors go into so many different fields that some of them actually do make money, or two, English majors usually can never find jobs, not even making it on to the list, since they are all sitting in a Starbucks somewhere writing that next big thing that never becomes big. On a cynical day I would go with two, but I’m having a good day, so I’m going to think some of us actually will be able to afford terribly over-priced apartments and nice shoes someday.

I don’t really have a conclusion to my thought process – I just found this information interesting. If popular sites, such as the Huffington Post, are posting articles about the worst paying degrees, we have to assume people will walk away from these fields even if they find them interesting, challenging, and have a passion for them. I don’t necessarily think that’s a good thing since many of these positions are needed. Topics like this always make me do some soul searching of my own. I never was a brilliant actress but I always thought theatre was something I could have excelled at if I would have taken more time to hone my skills. I decided it was too unstable of a career choice for me to take on. Was I selling out the same way others may after reading this article? And what about all of those jobs that need to be filled? I guess someone will do them, but will they be the best of the best? Probably not. I would love to hear your thoughts.

PS Mom started writing about job searching/career etiquette on her blog. Check it out.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A Degree in English?!

There are many movies, songs, and theatrical productions that make us feel like we are not alone. That is one of the many reasons we spend countless dollars on tickets to our favorite concerts, musicals, and movie showings – these people get us! I had a very similar experience when I listened to the original cast recording of the Broadway musical “Avenue Q” the other day. I first heard this album years ago, but it has since gained new meaning in my life. One of the songs is titled “What Do You Do with a B.A. in English?” It is a quick song that introduces the next musical number “It Sucks To Be Me.” I feel they chose this particular order on purpose. Here is a quick look at the rest of the song.

“What do you do with a B.A in English?
What is my life going to be?
Four years of college, and plenty of knowledge
Have earned me this useless degree
I can’t pay the bills yet, cause I have no skills yet
The world is a big scary place
But somehow I can’t shake the feeling I might make
A difference to the human race.”

Listening to this song through my headphones while walking to class, I felt like I was being spoken to. I then went through all of the questions that pop in a person’s head when they begin to doubt their entire career path. Why did I choose to major in English? What a stupid degree! Am I ever going to get a job? These questions turn into bigger ones such as: Will I live at home forever and end up working at McDonalds? I spend all of my class time discussing the characters of novels and symbolism. How the hell is that going to get me a job? My roommates are learning about business writing in order to work in Public Relations, journalistic techniques in order to become a reporter, art techniques in order to become an art teacher, and social behaviors in order to become a social worker. I’m learning how to…read, write, analyze a text? I already knew how to do all those things! You can really mess yourself up when you begin to question your life decisions.

That being said (and a panic attack coming on), I think the ending of this song is really important. I can’t tell you why, but I feel like I’m supposed to do something big with my life, and if that something changes one life for the better, then I will be satisfied. I have no idea which career path is right for me, and I have no idea if my degree will end up hurting me in the end because, let’s face it, it’s not very practical. What I do know is that I am driven and confident in my abilities. Perhaps, that is enough to send me on my way to that next big thing? We shall see.

<3 Happy Cinco De Mayo Everyone! <3

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My 50th Post!

I feel as if I should be writing some grand post for my 50th. Instead, I’ve decided to focus on commercialism, stereotypes, and shallow human beings. Confession: I love The Real Housewives of New Jersey. The new season premiered last night, and I loved every second of it. It is hard to believe these people actually exist. I have not been a devoted follower to some of the other Housewives series, but I have seen much of New York and some of Orange County. I just cannot get enough of these drama-filled women with far too much time on their hands. I definitely have a personal bias, but I think New Jersey is the best of the series. They are interconnected (two are sisters, one is their sister-in-law, the other is a long time friend), and they have tight bonds with one another that did not begin the moment the cameras turned on. Their families are adorable and close, and the drama they deal with could only happen in NJ (mob links, table flipping).

I’m not the biggest fan of reality shows, but The Real Housewives is a show I will enjoy for a long time. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that these women are older, and I’m not as jealous of them as I am of rich teens who do nothing to earn their money (ladies of E’s Pretty Wild – I’m talking to you). Many of the housewives actually work hard for a living with some even starting their own companies. They live extravagant lives, and I find it entertaining to watch it all play out on TV. I know some of it is scripted to make the show more interesting, but for the most part, I believe these “housewives” really are this crazy.

I think about my TV habits as a college student, and I laugh because they are so different from my younger years. I couldn’t get enough TV as a child, but now I have three set shows I watch a week, and I’m stressed about it. “The Real Housewives of New Jersey,” “GLEE,” and “Vampire Diaries” take up three hours of my time a week, and sometimes it feels like too much. I try to tell myself that I deserve a little relaxation in my week, but then I think about all of the work I need to accomplish (PS Today, I was trying to do so much work in a very quick period of time, and I stapled my finger - I really do need a break). In order to avoid going completely crazy, I think a little trashy TV is alright every once in a while. The Housewives of NJ consider themselves classy, so I’m going to consider myself classy for watching them – perhaps I’ll learn a thing or two about my potential future life ☺ Watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey on Monday nights at 10 pm on Bravo.

On a side note, the Tony Award Nominations were announced this morning. I followed the Tony announcements via Twitter, and I am very excited about all of the nominees. I love that I have seen some of shows nominated, and I plan on seeing the rest this summer. It was such a talented Broadway season. The Tonys are on June 13th (The same day as my college graduation. What poor planning!) A full list of all nominees can be found here.

<3 Peace and Love <3

Monday, May 3, 2010

My First Interview

I’m sorry blogging world – I have been a very busy bee. Last week I had two midterms, which consumed my life, but I promise to be more diligent with my posts in the future. Much has gone on in the past week. All of my friends at other schools are embarking on their summer breaks, and I’m at the almost five week mark! This past weekend, I went home to New Jersey for what should be the last time until I graduate college. It was such an exciting weekend, because I went on my first interview for a real job on Friday. I bought a brand new suit at the mall Thursday night, and trekked up to Jersey City Friday afternoon. It was an unbelievably positive experience, and I'm still unable to comprehend the fact that my life in the grown-up world is actually beginning. I love professionalism. I love suits, briefcases, expensive shoes, and blackberrys. All of it equals success to me, and I saw it all during my time in Jersey City. I walked along the Hudson River and people watched for an hour before my interview. You come across all walks of life in diverse cities, and I saw so many professionals eating lunch, and having business meetings outside, since it was a glorious eighty degrees out. I want to be a part of it all.

I have always wanted to work in New York, but Jersey City is the best second place location I can find. The area where I was interviewing looks right over to the city and has amazing views. The Path train is across the street, and it is an easy ride over to Manhattan. I couldn’t stop thinking about how endless my opportunities are right now. If this job pulls through, wonderful! If not, I know I’m qualified for other positions. This is what all of my hard work has lead up to, and it feels really good to know I have accomplished so much for myself.

Coming off the high from Friday was wonderful. Going to the beach on Saturday was even better. My friends and I discussed this weekend how it felt too much like summer. I still had homework to complete! Instead I was sprawled out on a beach towel, eating Mike’s subs, and failing to tan. It felt like an actual vacation weekend. I also experienced the Jersey shore bars for the first time, and they were a sight to see. My roommates won’t know what to do when they come in contact with all of the Guidos this summer. The live bands were my favorite – one did an awesome rendition of “Bad Romance.” I was totally in the summer mood, and then I flew back to the rain in Columbus. In all fairness, I hear the thunderstorms are awful in the New York area right now, but come on. An entire weekend of eighty-five degree weather, and I land in a torrential downpour. You can’t make this stuff up.

My weekend was fabulous, and now we are back to the grind. Classes are done in four weeks, finals are in five. It's crazy how fast the quarter is going. No matter how much work I have to get done, I’m through with being an idle blogger. ( I should be doing homework right now actually). Blogging is some of the only writing that I get real enjoyment out of right now (writing on the Victorian Period really doesn’t do it for me), and I have a lot of ideas for blogging this week. So much has been happening! Evil people are trying to blow up my loved ones in New York, Nashville is under water, an oil spill is destroying wildlife, racial profiling is now legal in Arizona, the Met Gala is tonight, the Tony Award nominations are being announced tomorrow, I may have a real job by the end of the week…where do I begin! I also have a lot of short stories coming together. When they are complete, I’m going to post them on a short story blog (which I will link here), or I will post them to this blog directly. You all will be able to see what I really do with my copious free time (ha, yea right!). Keep your fingers crossed for my employment endeavors, and I will see all of you tomorrow!

<3 It is time to stop the hate, and let's all pray for the people of Tennessee. <3