Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Taking Risks

First thing’s first. I need to wish my best friend in the entire world (who doesn’t read my blog regularly!) a very happy birthday. She is the big 2-1 today. It is unreal to me that she is both older than me (she looks like she’s still 15!) and officially legal. I have had my best moments with her right by my side, and whether it is attending concerts together (Miley and Britney were awesome!) or traveling together (Myrtle Beach again soon?), we never get tired of seeing one another. Well, I don’t get tired of seeing her face – she’ll have to tell you if she gets bored of me ☺. She knows all of my deepest darkest secrets, and is officially a member of my immediate family. So, to my soul sister and partner-in-crime Meghan, I hope you have the best 21st birthday anyone has ever had. I’m very upset that I’m stuck in Columbus reading Charles Dickens while you are drinking Margaritas at the moment, but I will see you at the end of April and we will finally be buying each other birthday drinks! Oh, and hopefully this post will inspire you to read my blog more often. Xoxo

Now, back to actual blogging. I have a “bucket list” for my life (who doesn’t?), and today I crossed a few small items off of it. For those who don't know, the “bucket list” is the term used for a list of things to do before you die. My list is quite long. Some items on the list are places I want to visit – China, Ireland, and Paris being a few. Others are social challenges such as asking a guy out to dinner. Today, I was able to cross off another social task that I have wanted to do for a long time: I ate alone in public. This may sound funny, but I do not do well in public spaces by myself. I need to always be doing something. I’m that girl at a party who, when her friends get separated from her, takes out her cell phone and pretends to be texting someone, when in reality she is just hitting buttons and looking through her calendar. Pathetic, I know, but I just can’t help it. I decided when I came to college that life is all about taking risks. We need to get out of our comfort zones in order to grow. Last year, I did something I thought I would never be able to do: I gave a guy I was crushing on my phone number (Gasp!). He didn’t ask for it, but I didn’t want our communication to end, so I went for it. I wrote it down on a piece of paper and gave it to him before he left class. To me, how that relationship turned out isn’t what mattered (we stayed acquaintances, but nothing really came of it). It was more the fact that I was able to leap out of my comfort zone and do something that left me shaking as I left the class – I was so proud of my shy, self-conscious self.

Focusing back on today, I have a large gap in between my two English classes, so instead of going home, I decided to get food. Normally, I would grab the food to go and eat in an empty hallway in the English building with my cell phone attached to my ear and my computer on my lap. Instead, I went to Brennans on High Street – a place I have never been to before (another item on my list – eat at new places in Columbus!), and ordered a bagel, soup and a banana. I then sat at a table by myself and ate lunch. I glanced around at people, spent time with my inner thoughts, and did not take out any items to distract me from my solitude. My honey wheat bagel and myself sat there exposed to the world. It felt wonderful, and much easier than I thought it would be! I’ll probably do it quite often this quarter during my break, trying out new eateries of course.

My next goal is to go see a movie by myself. My friend Lauryn did this back in high school a few times, and I remember how jealous I was that she had the confidence to do that. Her reasoning: “A movie came out that I wanted to see, and no one else wanted to go, so I went by myself.” I’m the loser who waits for the DVD release. Eating for ten minutes by yourself is one thing. Seeing a two hour movie is an entirely different ballpark, but I will accomplish it. I will be brave! It may take me some time, but I will take the risks, because being a risk-taker makes you happy, confident, and let’s face it, pretty awesome.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I Love College

…There are many reasons why this is so: The endless social engagements, everything being within walking distance from my apartment, the exciting football games, the bad food and the even worse beverage choices. College life is wonderful. Today, I discovered my favorite reason why I love college: The stress-free decision-making lifestyle I have become accustomed to. My life is on autopilot when I’m at school. Take a look at my routine for this quarter. Mondays and Wednesdays I wake up, workout, shower, eat breakfast, go to class, return from class, eat dinner, do homework and go to bed at some un-godly hour. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I wake up, get dressed, eat breakfast, go to class, return from class, workout, shower, eat lunch, do homework, eat dinner, do more homework, and eventually crawl into bed. Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays are my random days. I’m not kidding – my days rarely change. Perhaps this indicates that I’m too organized and obsessive compulsive, but I believe routines give me a steady road to walk on as I travel to graduation.

I must confess I’m making it seem a tad easier than it really is. When professors assign 200-300 pages of reading per class per week, homework can take hours upon hours to actually get completed. And as you saw from previous posts, papers are no walk in the park either, but I’m talking about actual life. I do have a life outside of the English Department at Ohio State (though not a very active one at the moment thanks to my desire to save a year's worth of tuition ). The biggest decision I made today was deciding what toppings I wanted to get on my Red Mango frozen yogurt – I went with bananas and strawberries. Once I realized this, I became extremely light-hearted. I didn’t have to focus on family issues, events I had to attend, or what who was saying about whom. I just had to decide what fruit topping I was craving. On days when you do not have three papers, two books, and a project due, this life can almost be too relaxing. Your body begins to go into sleep mode…all day long. Even while writing this riveting blog post, all I want to do is crawl under my blankets and head off to dreamland. Tonight, I ate dinner while watching Harry Potter with my roommates. There was no late night news program keeping me from digesting my food properly, there were no phones ringing off the hook, and with the exception of a neighbor wanting to borrow a game controller, people were not running through our house at warp speed. It was just the roommates, some good food, and Harry Potter. Spring brings the calm.

Days like today make me think about what life will be like when these days end. When I move back home, I will not have steady routines like I do now. I do not want to say my home life is stressful because mom will get upset and, in reality, it is not a fair assessment. Home is just much faster in every possible way. Actually, the entire East Coast moves at a faster pace than Columbus, so my main goal is to enjoy the calm before the storm. There is so much activity in NJ between this person fighting with this person, this person having a baby, this person getting married, and these six baby showers, two communions and three funerals that must be attended or the family will be shamed. The nice thing about living on my own (8 hours away…with no car) is that I just have to focus on my life and me. And my life is telling me to slow down! I snapped a picture on my cell phone today of flowers growing on a tree on the Oval. I’m literally taking the time this spring to smell the flowers. I love enjoying the blue sky after so many months of gray; I love hearing the birds chirp outside my window (even if sometimes they sound as if they are killing each other); I love walking down High Street seeing people wearing shorts, tanks, and sunglasses. Most of all, I love the light as a feather feeling in my soul now that I have started classes and have a good sense that all of them are completely manageable. Life is wonderful and stress free in Columbus, Ohio…for now.

I want to challenge all of you this week to take three deep breaths and reflect on all of the beautiful sites this world has to offer. You won’t believe how much you will be able to see once you stop and open your eyes.

<3 Peace and Love <3

Monday, March 29, 2010

Hello Spring Quarter...

Spring break has ended. Spring Quarter has begun. First off, I have to live up to my promise. I told the world that when I reached 15 followers, I would give a shout out to whoever the follower was who put me at my number. I miraculously hit 16 followers throughout the night thanks to some crazy neighbors. Since I’m not completely sure who followed me first, I’m giving a shout out to both “Gibblez” (Gabe), “Grizz Wiz” (Zane), and a shout out to Mr. Zachary Kramer who put me at 14 followers. They have a blog as well (and they should update it!). Thank you for following me friends, and when I become famous, you will still be a part of my inner posse.

Now, back to the grind. I just finished up my first day of classes. It is actually my last first day of class as an undergrad. Hurray! I am taking a "writing fiction" course this quarter that looks challenging and awesome. I’m really hoping to improve my writing and to make it a point to write every single day whether it is in blog form or fictional writing. The class is set up as a workshop, so I will have about twenty other students critiquing my work, which should be very helpful. The only surprise about the class for me was the amount of work that will actually be due. It’s only a 200-level class, therefore, I thought it would be an easy five credits for the spring. Instead we have portfolios of written work due, essays, and many reading assignments. That’s what I get for picking an “easy” class to finish up college.

After class, I ran to Subway and got some lunch and then headed to the dreaded bookstore. My books this quarter only cost me about $120. I know all the science and math majors want to shoot me right now. In all fairness, that’s the cheapest I’ve ever paid for books. It helped that three of the books I need to read I already own. I hate nothing more than going to the bookstore two or three times during the first week of classes, so I buy everything at one time. I have yet to attend my Tuesday/Thursday classes, but since I’m an English major, it’s a safe bet that if they assign you a novel, you will most likely have to read it.

After the bookstore, I went and visited the grand opening of our new Ohio Union. The building is amazing. I still love the new library more (all those books make me so happy), but the Union is fantastic. Today they had D.J’s at all entrances and music inside with so many free gifts and lots of free food. They really did a beautiful job on it. Someone in one of my classes stated that it didn’t seem right building such a magnificent building when so many people are out of work and starving in Ohio. I tend to agree with him. I’m not sure if this Union was planned at the right time, but if Ohio State wants to impress future attendees, they sure have a few nice buildings to help.

After leaving the Union feeling a tad overwhelmed (fifty thousand people really do attend OSU!), I went to my last class on Mondays, which is an American Literature class dating between 1865-1910. I really enjoy American Lit so I think this class will be a good fit. I have already taken the class that precedes it and the class that follows it, so I have a decent grasp on what the class will focus on. My professor seems very knowledgeable and a tad frightening. I think I need a few more classes to see if we will click or not. It didn’t help that while we were talking about regions of the country she said, “I spent last summer in New Jersey and couldn’t wait to come home!” I then told her I was from New Jersey. We will either be best friends or mortal enemies by the time June rolls around.

And so the hustle and bustle of spring begins. There are tons of faces walking around campus coming out of their winter hibernation. Books are being bought, classrooms are being occupied and homework will be completed or not completed once again. There is life to Ohio State once more, and I have ten weeks left to enjoy it.

<3 Peace and Love All <3

Friday, March 26, 2010

Relationship Networking

It’s no secret to anyone that I have been in a bit of a dry spell in the relationship department for the last couple of years. There are many reasons why this may be the case. I’m too busy, I’m too focused on myself, I wear sweatshirts to class with no make-up on, and sometimes I would rather cuddle in bed with a romantic comedy and my pillow than venture out into the real world and do the whole dating thing. Dating sucks. I don’t think I know anyone who enjoys the dinner with a stranger who you have to get to know to see if you have a spark thing. I’m still hoping for Leonardo DiCaprio to come around the corner – I think he and I would have wonderful chemistry. The problem with my situation is that most of my closest friends are all in serious relationships – some are going on two and three years long (M and J have been dating for what feels like a hundred years). Being single was great when we were all single, but is now getting kind of old. For the most part, I have no issue with third wheeling it. Their boyfriends don’t seem to have an issue with me (at least not to my face ☺), but lately I have been getting that itch that comes when you are about to graduate college and enter reality – no it’s not some disease. It’s more of a ticking that says, “hmm maybe it’s time for you to allow someone to cross into the steel cage that has formed around you.”

Here’s my problem: I’m a very independent individual, mostly because I’ve always had to be. I learned to cook myself meals and do my own laundry at the age of twelve, I was getting myself from point A to point B as a pre-teen, I decided what college I wanted to attend in eighth grade, and I always make my own rules. I'm not sure I know how to share my independent life with another person. I really enjoy my freedom. I can see the benefits of a relationship – the companionship, the partner in life mentality, the bedroom fun. But I also see the problems that can occur in relationships – the scheduling time around someone else, the lack of privacy and personal space, and the fact that in most cases it is taboo to be dating more than one person once you become exclusive. I’m not even going to get into all the crap that can occur to help end a relationship – cheating, heartbreak, one person falling out of love with the other (Jesse James has scarred me for life. If Sandra can’t keep a guy, who the hell can?!). When looked at closer, you could say I’m afraid of relationships. My OCD has kept my life very organized and structured. I do what I want when I want. If I want to stay in, I stay in. If I want to go out and party it up, I do. If I want to go to bed at 8pm on a Friday, no one is saying I can’t. If I forget to shave my legs for a few days, it’s not a big deal. I really didn’t think taking the leap into commitment would be difficult. Turns out it might just be.

Since beginning my job search, I’ve been told networking is key. It’s not what you know it’s who you know. I’m taking this same approach to dating. I read in Cosmo that 70% of women know someone who already knows their future husband. Don’t run away people. I’m not looking to get married anytime soon, but if that is true than certainly one of my many social friends must have a male friend that I could share some fun times with. I challenge my committed friends to find me a date. I’ll give anyone a chance (no serial killers please), and this summer I hope to have lots of fun with new people. Think about it. No one knows you better than your closest friends. I actually think this could be an interesting experiment. Can Kate make a relationship work? We shall see. Because my friends are all so different, I can’t wait to see the different types of men they come up with. And the added incentive is that if the date works out, the person that sets us up will be my top friend until the relationship goes down in flames. This is so much better than! So friends out there: I graduate June 13th. Start the search for Kate’s Date – that has a funny, reality show ring to it. I know my summer will be anything but boring.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

It's A Love Story...

24 hours later and I have yet to blog about my awesome day in New York. I want to begin with a quick story. It’s the “When I fell in love” story only mine has to do with a young girl and a big city. I don’t recall the very first time I knew I was going to have a lifelong love affair with New York, but it happened somewhere between the ages of eight and ten. My mom and dad did a wonderful job of culturing my brother and I to the max. Mom’s friend Joyce lived on Houston Street for years, and there were so many times when I made her couch my bed and attempted to fall asleep in the city that never sleeps. At a young age, I was able to do all of the things “New Yorkers” got to do, and I was so grateful. I saw the Greenwich Village Halloween parade, bought countless outfits/Halloween costumes at certain shops, ate Mexican food at a local restaurant that had an adorable sombrero on the entry way, ate spaghetti at some of the best restaurants “Little Italy” has to offer (while also meeting a few Sopranos along the way), I went to gallery openings in Chelsea with my mom and her friends when I was just learning to appreciate the naked paintings on the walls as art, and saw countless shows on Broadway – my first show was “Beauty and the Beast” when I was seven. I learned the streets – dad drilled into my head that “midtown is a grid” in case I ever got lost. I learned a few subway lines (I’m still working on the others.) Dad also drilled into us from his days growing up in Staten Island that if you got separated on the subway, you got off at the next stop and waited. As a child, I was secretly terrified and elated that this situation would present itself. It did not until I was 18 years old, and by that time I made my own way to the restaurant without anyone batting an eye. Most importantly, I discovered the place I will call my home. It’s unreal that this thirteen year-old dream is very close to becoming a reality. New York is the capital of the world. There is so much to be found on that tiny island, and you know that if you make it there, you really can make it anywhere. And so, a girl from Jersey fell in love with a city, hoping and wishing that she would add to the growing population of eight million.

Yesterday, I traveled up to New York to see the Broadway show Memphis. My brother’s high school band went on a field trip, and I begged to tag along. I had to meet them at the theatre to get my ticket – which was discounted thanks to student prices! Someone asked me the other day if I was comfortable going to the city alone, and all I did was smile. Seriously, sometimes I prefer it. I traveled up on the train from Metropark and landed in Penn Station forty minutes later. Because I do know my way around so well, I easily went from the train to the subway with zero delay. One stop later, I got out at 42nd street and Times Square. I really lucked out on the weather. It was a little windy, but overall a beautiful day in New York. Spring has really set in. I walked over to Rockefeller Center and on the way stared at every sight around me. I feel towards NYC the way I feel towards my family and friends when I return from college – “I missed you a lot old friend.” I met B’s sister T for Coffee at 30 Rock where she interns. It was a lot of fun to catch up and to learn all about what she does at her internship. It is always wonderful to see a friendly face in a big city.

I left T an hour later and went on a stroll up Fifth Avenue to Central Park. This is why I enjoy going to the city alone. I walked along the park and felt at ease. It was nice to not have to get anywhere. There are times when I seriously want to train it up to NY just to go for a jog through Central Park. I think that is God’s way of telling me it’s time to find an apartment and some sane thoughts. After my walk, I made my way back to 44th and 7th to the Shubert Theatre where Memphis was playing. The Shubert theatre is a well-known theatre that has hosted a number of shows including A Chorus Line, Crazy For You, Gypsy, and Spamalot. Our seats were up in the balcony, but I had no trouble seeing the dancing and singing performed on stage. Memphis is loosely based off of a true story about crossing racial boundaries in Tennessee in the 1950’s. I enjoyed the show and especially thought Montego Glover who played Felicia Farrell – the leading woman – was fabulous. My brother and I discussed how she could give Michelle Obama a run for her money with those arms of hers…I need to start lifting heavier weights! Memphis was my brother’s first Broadway show, and I was very excited to share in the special experience with him.

When the show was over, I walked my way down 7th avenue to Penn Station. The weather was too beautiful to spend it underground. I left the city I love to return home, but I’ll always be back. You cannot keep me away for long. And hopefully soon (I’m keeping my fingers crossed for December/January), I will have my own humble abode in Manhattan where home will be a subway ride away instead of a 35 minute train ride and a 30 minute drive on the Garden State Parkway.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Be Who You Are and Say What You Feel

"Because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." Oh Doctor Seuss. You always know exactly the right thing to say. I was thinking a lot today about pleasing people. It seems all my life I have had this need for people to like me…and now I’m over it. I have grown up so much in the last three years, and the best lesson I have learned is that not everyone is going to like who you are as a person. And that’s totally okay. I have attempted over the years to change aspects of myself so I could fit in with a certain group of people. It became really exhausting. I’m not sure if I can pin point the exact moment I stopped caring what people thought about me. In fact, I’m still working on it - M can vouch for this fact since she gets the brunt of my phone calls when I’m panicking over what this person or that person thinks about me. However, I have definitely gotten much better. Perhaps it was a drama filled senior year of high school that made me say, “Is this going to matter in twenty years?” Turns out it won’t. Or maybe it was the fact that I felt much more comfortable being me and not what others wanted me to be. I knew a change had to occur or else I was going to be a very unhappy college girl.

I’ve become a very vocal person in my late teens and early twenties simply because I care. I care about my country, I care about my friends, and I care about my family. I’m going to be outspoken. I shouldn’t have to apologize for being aware and strong-willed. Those are the two things I love most about myself! Some people may not be able to handle my outspokenness, and that’s okay. I refuse to change who I am as a person so others can tolerate me. At the end of the day, the person they want does not exist, so what’s the point? I know the people I can count on love me for every part of me – even the frustrating, annoying parts, and that is all that matters. It really is kind of liberating. I have finally given myself permission to be exactly who I’m supposed to be.

I really hope others will join me. I’m going to sing as loud as I can, dance as crazy as I can, debate political events until I’m heard, watch lousy TV and enjoy it, call home wherever I please, get jobs in any area that I find interesting and I will not apologize to anyone for these things. I would hope people have more meaningful things to do with their lives than focus on me anyway. I will never hurt people intentionally, I will try to spread love to every person on this planet, and I will say when I am wrong, but there is nothing wrong with being the person you were born to be. I will never listen to dream killers. I will succeed, I will love life, and I will dream dreams that seem impossible, knowing in my heart that nothing is truly impossible. It may seem silly, but I feel like I have a protective shield surrounding me from negative people. I am living the dream in every way, and nothing/no one will bring me down. Life is so good right now. Why waste it caring what others think?

Monday, March 22, 2010

Fun In The Sun...Finally!

I have been away from the blogging world for what feels like forever! I have not had a moment to myself since I have been home – It’s been glorious! Spring Break has been everything I hoped it would be, and I still have 6 days left to enjoy more. I have caught up with many friends and family members, and I have done all the things that I love doing when I’m home. I’ve eaten pizza, ice cream cones, taken long runs around town, visited the ocean, and I’ve gone shopping. The weather has been absolutely beautiful, but today the rain has decided to grace us with its presence. I think it’s my reminder to lay low and watch a movie. I’m heading up to New York to see a show on Wednesday, and I’ll be up again on Saturday to celebrate M’s 21st birthday a few days early. I am one happy, lucky Jersey Girl.

My final grades for winter quarter were posted today, and all of my hard work (there were so many nights when I didn’t emerge from my room!) has paid off. I will be able to graduate with honors in June, and for doing it all in three years, I’m quite pleased with myself. It’s moments like these when I’m actually proud of all I’ve accomplished. I work so hard to benefit myself, and I know it is going to pay off in the form of a job in NYC. It’s still hard for me to believe that 12 weeks from this moment, I will be arriving home from Ohio for good. How did time go so fast? I’m enjoying my time at home, but I’m really going to make it a priority to enjoy my time left in Columbus. I want to embrace everything that city has to offer so that I can leave with zero regrets.

Instead of blogging, here’s what I have been doing with all of my free time. TV has been quite entertaining over the past couple of days. I have been watching many of the NCAA Basketball tournament games, and my bracket is not looking good. For those who care, Vanderbilt and Villanova were in my Final Four. Oops. I also have been watching the Health Care Reform debates with the same intensity that some people watch a tied basketball game in overtime with 3 seconds to go. I’m not sure what’s more exciting. Watching Purdue win in overtime yesterday or watching the House of Representatives tear each other apart. Got to love politics. I have also been improving my runs. I’m now running between 4 ½ to 5 miles a day. As soon as I get some cash in my pocket, I will be signing up for a race this summer. If anyone wishes to join me on a 5k run, let’s do it together. Running buddies are so much fun!

One week down of Spring Break, and I’m still having a blast. Dad and I are going to watch an old Humphrey Bogart movie tonight, and I’m going to enjoy every moment of my break before I have to go back to reading four books a week and writing countless papers. At least I can say that one week from right now will be the last first day of class I will have as an undergrad. Unreal.

<3 Peace and Love All <3

Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Night At The Theatre

I could not go to sleep before blogging about what an amazing production of Sweeney Todd my former high school pulled off tonight. Wow. Wow. Wow. Now, most people reading this are thinking, “it’s a high school musical. How great can it be?” Well, I am very proud to say that Point Pleasant Borough High School does not disappoint in the Performing Arts department. We are very lucky. I was very nervous about how they were going to accomplish such a challenging production, but these kids did so much better than great. Sweeney was phenomenal, and the singing and the acting by all were both suburb. My dad couldn’t stop talking about it. He was even picking out his favorite scenes (“When she sang ‘By The Sea’ was the best song in the entire show!”). It was a wonderful night at the theatre. It was dark, moving, and at times quite amusing. I can’t believe I attended high school with some of these students. They truly blew me away – and I can’t wait to see where some of them end up. I swear, Broadway or at least off-Broadway productions are not too far fetching for a few of these performers. It makes me miss theatre. I may have to audition for a few community theatre productions when I’m back in town this summer. There’s no better feeling than being up there. This is why I’m so obsessed with Broadway. No show is ever exactly the same, and anything can happen – it’s so thrilling. If you are in the area, please come down and see this show. You will not regret it. Even M told me she thought it was excellent, and she is a harsh critic.

On another note, my corned beef and potato dinner turned out great! I was very pleased with my meal, and no one has thrown up yet, so I think we’re in the clear. I love this cooking in my spare time thing so much that I’m heading to the grocery store and making a surprise dinner again tomorrow night. When my brother’s show is over, chicken breast in a lemon sauce, green beans, and baked potatoes will be awaiting my family. Perhaps this will inspire me to cook up a storm in my last 10 weeks in Ohio. If anyone has some good recipes to share with me, I would love to hear them! And once again, go see Sweeney Todd – you'll be happy you did!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day Everyone! I finally made it home. This is one of my favorite holidays of the year, because so many family traditions are embedded in it. My mom’s side of the family is mostly Irish (there’s a little Polish thrown in there somewhere), so we have been eating traditional Irish foods and attending the parades for many years now. This is the first time I have been home for St. Patty’s day in a while. Usually I have finals, but this year I am home sweet home, and it has not disappointed.

Today, the color green takes over my house. My mom goes all out on March 17th. There is a Leprechaun in every room, and we even have green flowers! We are doing things a little different this year since my little brother’s High School musical is opening tonight. I made a dinner of corned beef and cabbage. It’s amazing. I live at school for nine months out of the year and cannot find the time to make anything more than pasta on the stove, but I’m home 24 hours, and I’m making an Irish dinner. I have many memories from pass St. Patrick’s Days. My grandmother, on more than one occasion, used to also make corned beef and cabbage for all of us little grandkids. It was a reason to get together and celebrate out heritage. My mom also had an Irish festival up on the boardwalk to raise money for the local Pt. Pleasant foundation. We had a live band – comprised of members of our family of course – and lots of little Irish dancers. PS. My child will be an Irish dancer. Just warning you all now. These parties will forever be part of some of my best High School memories. Some say that today is a day for a lot of people to get together and drink until they pass out, and don’t get me wrong – that’s part of it – but it is also a day to celebrate where we come from, and to spend time with those who are closest to us – and eat some really good food! I really hope I don’t screw up dinner.

Since I’m home, you all can assume that my airport fiasco ended yesterday. I finally flew into Newark at 10 am. I was so relieved to finally get home. I kept my hair appointment and paid way too much money for awesome hair. I’m so happy I got it done though. My ends were literally turning into straw - it was embarrassing. I now have healthy hair that is ready to go out on the town. Even though this weekend was a tad stressful, I needed the downtown to do nothing. I knew that the minute I came home I would not stop for two weeks. My intuition has not failed me. I was very busy yesterday, and today I slept in, went running, showered, ate lunch, started dinner, and here I am blogging, waiting for dinner to be ready. These days fly by! I barely have time to eat breakfast before I’m running out the door. By the way, running outside in Point for the first time since last summer was a literal breath of fresh air! My town is perfect for running, and there are not too many hills, so I don’t die ten minutes in either. It’s nice to be active, and I’m so excited to see all the people I’ve missed tonight. The good things about St. Patrick’s Day, the opening night of the High School musical, and my town, is that everyone knows each other, everyone makes it a point to get out and be social, and everyone wears the green. It’s going to be a fun night!

Have a wonderful St. Patrick’s Day!

<3 Peace, Love, and Four-Leaf Clovers to all! <3

Monday, March 15, 2010

Travel Woes

There are certain things in life that I look forward to: Christmas morning, my birthday, the first day of summer, and flying home to my bed. When you look forward to these things for weeks and weeks, sometimes the universe enjoys playing sick jokes on you. My flight back to New Jersey – a flight I have been impatiently awaiting for about three weeks now – was cancelled. If that wasn’t bad enough, Continental decided not to inform me of this. I woke up ready to workout, thinking I was leaving at 4:51 today, when my best friend claimed she could not find my flight. I checked myself and saw that it had been cancelled, and no e-mail accompanied this notification. You may ask, how could an airline, especially Continental, cancel your flight and not tell you? They wouldn’t leave you stranded would they? No my friends, they would not. Instead, they book you on the next flight leaving Columbus…and forget to inform you of this as well. Many phone calls on my end were made, attempting to figure out when I could get out of this place, when the automated response informed me I was on the 8pm flight. Continental’s response: “That’s odd. You should have received an e-mail.” You think?

So all is good right? I’m leaving town tonight at 8, and I’m typing this post from the terminal. Think again. My flight tonight is at the moment delayed 2 and ½ hours. My dad called me while I was eating dinner with my family, and told me the frustrating news. After ten minutes of me pleading to get into Newark in the wee hours of the morning and sleep there until it is a safe hour to take the train home, my dad convinced me to get on a flight for tomorrow. So…the story keeps getting better…I call Continental and tell them I cannot arrive in Newark at 2 in the morning. The response: “If you change your flight you will be charged a fee, because you are voluntarily changing your flight.” After a few choice phrases and the word “unacceptable” used about five times, this lovely woman decides to check to see if my flight falls under the “Storm Change” category – that means I can change without any fees. Low and behold it was! Once again…you think? There are towns under water, trees lining streets, zero power for thousands, and wind gusts. Of course my flight is under the “Storm Change” category.

So this Jersey Girl is in Columbus, Oh for one more night. I will be leaving on an 8:30 a.m. flight tomorrow morning and arriving to what they are claiming to be sun and 54 degree weather at 10 am. I even kept my 1:30 hair appointment in hopes that I’ll make it. I’m going with positive thinking all the way from now until I land in Newark. And if positive thinking fails me, at least I’ll be at the airport with 4 flights after mine if I get cancelled. Happy travels all. Hopefully I’ll be reporting from a suburb in New Jersey tomorrow evening.

<3 Peace and Love All <3

Saturday, March 13, 2010

"Remember Me" - No Spoilers, I Promise

I normally don’t blog twice in one day, but since I’m on Spring Break and have finished packing (go me!), I decided to post about my hatred of movie reviewers. I realize I’m not Roger Ebert, but I feel like I have good sense when it comes to movies. Gone with the Wind is a great movie. Gigli is not.

With that said, I saw “Remember Me” tonight with my roommate. There were definitely some slow parts, but all in all, I felt it was worth the nine dollars and two hours of my life. I really enjoyed it. I thought Robert Pattinson’s acting in this movie was a million times better than his acting in the Twilight movies. Perhaps it’s a sigh of relief to not have to look at Kristen Stewart’s depressing face all the time. Whatever it is, I had a wonderful movie going experience…even though I knew the ending before hand from Internet leaks, a movie reviewer and a certain best friend who shall be nameless…(cough cough M!).

Movie reviewers have been bashing movies I’ve wanted to see for a while now. I’m not really sure why I give them so much power over my AMC experience, but it always bums be out when the NY Post gives a movie like “Remember Me” 1 out of 4 stars. I thought it at the very least deserved 2. I would give it 3 out of 4, but I realize it is not Oscar worthy or original. At the end of the day, normal people like you and me go out and view these movies, and I feel like movie reviewers do not understand that – they are far too pretentious. I wanted to see a moving love story set in the city I love – and that’s exactly what I got. Throw in a hysterical best friend that I would love to date, and we have a great Saturday night flick. So please movie reviewers, stop the hating, and sit back and watch a flick for the pure entertainment of it – or just to see Robert Pattinson’s beautiful face.

Two Weeks of Relaxation...Starting Now

I am officially finished with Winter Quarter 2010. My room has been cleaned from top to bottom so, needless to say, I’m feeling very accomplished. My finals that I was required to turn in consisted on four papers (3,8,9, and 10 pages each) and one final project that ended up consisting of thirteen pages of written work. I jumped on my bed when that last paper was turned in at 8:30 last night, and then proceeded to pass out from exhaustion. Now that the quarter is over, this is the time when I look back and decide what I loved and what I hated about my ten winter weeks. This quarter, the good outweighed the bad. I hated the winter weather mostly. At this point, if I never lay eyes on snow again, life will be good. Check back with me next Christmas when I’m praying for a winter wonderland, but for now, flowers, sunshine and more flowers is all I want to see. I really enjoyed my classes. I switched from a political science major at the end of Fall, 2008, and it was such a great decision. Once again, check back with me when I’m an unemployed graduate in June, but for now, I think it was the right choice. English and I click. I analyze everything in great detail, and enjoy writing and reading. My classes did not disappoint. I took an array of classes from modern fiction to narrative theory and learned so much. But, alas, all good things must end, and I’m not shedding any tears over here.

It now feels great to just lay back in bed and blog while watching movies and packing. There is nothing on my to-do list besides dinner and a movie at some point tonight – and I love it that way! I’m really excited to go home and see all my loved ones. Both the weather in Ohio and New Jersey is horrible at the moment, but I’m hearing sunshine in NJ all next week – which makes me even more excited to travel home. Last year it was quite cold during my spring break. This year, I’m hoping for sunshine, bike rides, and a trip to the local ice cream parlor.

Today makes it officially three months until I graduate college. Three short months with ten weeks of actual classes – good God, bring on the panic attack. It is quite surreal. I try to put time frames like this into perspective. Three months ago was my mom’s birthday. We actually went to the city on the 12th of December to celebrate, and that feels like yesterday. Time really does fly when you’re having fun and too busy writing papers to notice anything else. I just hope the next three months keep me as happy and determined as the last three months have. I hope you all are as stress-free as I am at the moment. It feels awesome. ☺

<3 Peace and Love My Friends <3

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring Break!

Winter quarter has ended. It has yet to hit me that I have ten short weeks of college left as an undergrad. It seriously feels like it all just began. Everyone told me that three years would fly, and they were right! Since I’m not heading home until Monday, this weekend is going to be my “spring cleaning” weekend. I’m organizing my room and placing all things that will not be needed in the spring into boxes I have lying around. Mom and Dad are driving out for Easter, so I figure they can take them back home for me. I get so crazy during the spring quarter, and I won’t have much time to clean out my room, so I’m getting a head start. How insane is this? I’m beginning the moving out process!

It still is not technically Spring Break for me until I submit three assignments online, but it sure feels like Break! I plan on catching up on lots of sleep that I have been missing out on in the last ten weeks. It will be so great not to worry about anything (except job hunting!) for a couple weeks. I know many college students go on crazy Spring Break trips their last year of college, but I'm not too bummed to be heading East instead of South. I'm spending my Spring Break in New Jersey so I can get started on looking for jobs, and for the simple fact that I really enjoy my homeland. College is amazing, but I miss so many things about the East Coast. I miss real pizza, which I will be having Monday night for dinner. I miss the ocean and the sand – I’m so excited to go step foot on the beach again! I miss driving my car around – I know this one seems silly, but I really love driving around town with my music playing loudly. I’m an excellent car singer. And of course, I miss New York. I would much rather spend my Spring Break seeing three shows on Broadway than be spending time anywhere else. And if none of that makes people content with why I’m choosing the city over 80 degree weather…Bubbles (my cat) misses me quite a lot ☺

One thing great about Breaks is they are a chance to catch up with old friends. I only go home for a quick weekend once a quarter. Since I decided to go to school so far away, I have many people that I have to see over break – I have forgotten what some people look like! Lots of dinners, laughing, and reminiscing will be had by all in four short days! I can hardly wait.

Also, I have an update on yesterday's post. Some famous friends on twitter informed me that Pinkberry (Red Mango’s competitor) is much better (and their website has a cute jingle – check out the link!). I’m going to try this when I head to NYC next week, and I’ll let you know which one I like better. New frozen yogurt experiences make me smile. Have a wonderful end of the week everyone!

<3 Peace and Love <3

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Healthy Desserts!

For several reasons, I’ve been trying to eat healthier lately. The changing of seasons from winter to spring always makes me reach for the apples over the brownies (bikini season is almost upon us!), and I’ve been doing a lot of research on nutrition in the past few months. I’m slowly weaning out many processed foods, and I’m beginning with all frozen meals. Lean Cuisines, while giving you perfect portions and low calorie options are packed full of sodium, and the chicken they serve is not real chicken (Gross!). Knowing this, the idea of a Lean Cuisine makes me queasy. I’m trying my hardest to only eat the real deal. Grilled chicken only (no more red meat), fresh fruits and veggies, and the occasional bowl of wheat pasta – Unless it’s natural, I’m trying not to eat it. My body feels a million times better when I eat right. I have more energy and a happier attitude. It’s a win – win situation.

Now that I’ve shared with all of you my healthy eating ambitions, let me inform you that I also have the biggest sweet tooth ever. It took all the willpower I had to turn down cookies today for my last day of class. (They were freshly baked and warm too!) I just couldn’t cancel out all of the hard work that went into my run this morning – but I literally had a debate in my head (What’s one cookie, right?). I’m always eager to discover new hot spots that both curb my cravings and leave me feeling like I didn’t destroy three days of intense cardio in one sitting. Today I discovered such a spot.

My roommates have been raving about Red Mango – a frozen yogurt cafĂ©. It serves non-fat, all natural, gluten-free (For B!) frozen yogurt. If that information doesn't send you running to the one nearest to you, there is more. They have an array of sides, many of them fruit such as berries, bananas, peaches, and pineapples to add to your delicious dessert. I may never eat fake ice cream anywhere else. I also checked locations: They are in Manhattan – can this get any better?

This evening, I ordered the regular size (which is plenty!), original flavor (tastes just like soft serve vanilla) frozen yogurt with strawberries and pineapples. The only negative is that each side is 50 cents, so my fruit cost me an extra dollar, but I still feel it was worth it. All together it came to $4.75. I personally don’t find that to be an unreasonable amount of money for dessert. The great taste and the healthy feeling afterwards made it worth the trip. I may go back tomorrow! If you have a Red Mango located near you check it out and tell me your thoughts!

Peace and Love All <3

Monday, March 8, 2010

And The Oscar Goes To...

The Super Bowl of Hollywood events occurred last night: The Academy Awards. Hundreds of Hollywood heavyweights sashayed down the red carpet stopping for countless photographs and interview after interview. The repeated question of “Who are you wearing?” was answered with wonderful names such as Armani Prive, Gucci, Valentino, and Chanel. There were certain celebrities who looked stunning – Sandra Bullock, Anna Kendrick, and I'm throwing Ryan Reynolds in here because he always looks gorgeous – celebrities who I would give a solid C+ – Sarah Jessica Parker, Charlize Theron, and Demi Moore – and celebrities who should have stayed home – Diane Kruger, Mariah Carey, and Tina Fey (although Tina Fey’s skit with Robert Downey Jr. had me falling off the couch laughing, so maybe not stayed home, but picked a better dress).

I absolutely love the Oscars. All of the glitz and glamour never ceases to make me envious of the lives of celebrities. My TV was tuned into E’s Red Carpet coverage (I have a soft spot for Ryan Seacrest) at 6pm as the less important people filed into the Kodak Theatre. I did not move from my spot until the awards wrapped up at Midnight. As with every year, there were some things I absolutely loved about the show, and there were things I hated.

Let’s begin with the bad…
-Too Long. This is an issue the Academy has been dealing with for years. I understand there is no easy solution, but at 3 ½ hours long, I was dying towards the end…and those are the best awards! An even three hours would have been tolerable.
- The short speeches given by friends and co-stars of the Best Actor/Best Actress nominees need to go. They do not help with the length of the show, and some I just found to be boring. Also there is a reason why I don’t watch Oprah everyday…so why was she on my TV during the Oscars?
- The “Kanye” moment of the show. The director who won for Best Short Documentary was interrupted during his speech by a woman who used to be associated with the project and wanted recognition. I thought it was awful how that man will never get his moment back.

Now for the good…
- Neil Patrick Harris’s opening. I personally believe he should be a part of every awards show. What a fantastic, talented, adorable guy!
- Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin hosting. I laughed at almost every one of their jokes and thought they were hysterical. My favorite moment when they were “caught” backstage wearing snuggies.
- Kathryn Bigelow and The Hurt Locker winning big! She’s the first woman to win an Oscar for Best Director. Enough said.
-Sandra Bullock’s acceptance speech. I wanted her to win, (there’s a good chance she won’t win again) and her speech was touching, funny, and eloquent. I’m so happy for her.

All things considered, it was quite a good show. There were a few winners, many losers, and lots of entertainment. I now have about twenty movies on my “to-watch” list, and I’m eager to see what brilliant work is born in the coming year in the world of cinema.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Spring Cleaning

I’ve been making a pros and cons list for moving back home after I graduate. I’m trying to think about how different it will be. Will there be a lack of freedom, more arguments, fewer arguments, better food? During all of my long breaks, I was living at home, but there was always a deadline. Three weeks here, three months here, and if things got annoying I played my “I’m going back to my apartment” card. This summer, it will be much different. I’m not going anywhere once September rolls around. I’m going to eventually find an apartment in New York, but that could be a year down the road (NYC is expensive!), so I know I’ll be home to stay, at least for six months or so.

My list reads something like this:

No Grocery Bill
No Rent (I hope!)
My big bed ☺
Better location
Lots of family/friends
New York, New York, New York

Less Privacy
Potential of more arguments with the Family
Sharing a bathroom with Scottie
Feeling less independent
No BLENK Roommates ☹

Number six on the pros list is cleanliness. This is a big pro for me! Sure, my bedroom has been known to get cluttered and clothes find their way to the floor instead of the closet, but clutter can easily be picked up. I’m talking about actual cleanliness. I went downstairs to find B cleaning our kitchen this morning. I cannot tell you how grateful I was! Our kitchen was disgusting. Even the grossest person on the planet would see it and say, “Wow, you ladies need to clean.” We are all to blame, but the frustrating thing is how it never stays clean. My plan is to travel to Target next Friday and buy a ton of cleaning supplies for the spring. Since all of my work will be completed by next Friday, and I’m not leaving Columbus until Monday, it’s a perfect weekend to give “spring cleaning” a new name. Hopefully it will stay clean until I arrive back from Spring Break on the 29th of March…wishful thinking?

My room needs lots of work as well. The dust traps really easily here, so I’m dusting it from top to bottom. I’m going through my entire desk, my entire closet, and all of my boxes and reorganizing. I’m tackling our bathroom, living room, and kitchen as well. Not to make anyone nauseous, but the last time we mopped our kitchen floor it was black. Since then I rarely enter my kitchen without wearing socks…I’m not kidding! I’m literally afraid to see what the floor looks like this time. This has the potential to be a weekend long event, but I’ll have the time, and it needs to get done!

So back to the pros of living at home: Our kitchen floor is NEVER black, our living room carpet does not have food crumpled on it, the house gets dusted and the bathrooms are always clean. I think I’ll enjoy living at home again for a while…even if I am sharing a bathroom with a 16 year-old boy. ☺

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Do I See Sunshine?!

For the third morning in a row, I have woken up to sun shining through my window and birds chirping outside. Spring has (almost!) sprung. Again, I do not want to jinx Ohio weather. When I took my college tour on April 7th, 2007 – it snowed! It was Easter weekend, and when I asked the tour guide if this was a fluke, she shook her head and said, “no this is pretty standard.” I should have known I was going to be in for a few rough winters.

Spring brings flowers, sunshine, t-shirts, runs outside and new Broadway shows to the Great White Way! You all know how much this Jersey Girl loves NYC and Broadway. Even though I still have a million shows I need to see, I’m so excited for some new shows heading into previews and openings. John Gallagher Jr., who won a Tony for his performance in Spring Awakening (I was so blessed to both see him perform in that role and meet him afterwards!), is starring in a new musical titled “American Idiot.” It focuses around a bunch of young people trying to find meaning in a post-9/11 world. Now, I may seriously be the last Green Day fan in the world, but I love their stuff. Every song in the musical is a cover of a Green Day song. I have seen clips, and think this show will be fantastic, moving, and powerful. Previews begin March 24th. Opening night is April 20th – my birthday! It’s a sign!

My wishes were also answered about a month ago when I was watching “Fox and Friends” one morning and Kristin Chenoweth was on – what a breath of fresh air she is! She stated that she’s going to be in a musical titled “Promises, Promises” with none other than Sean Hayes (Jack from "Will and Grace"). I may have leapt off my bed at the sound of this news. Chenoweth originated the role of Glinda in Wicked and has also starred in many TV shows and movies including appearances on Glee and a role in the movie Annie with Kathy Bates and Audra McDonald. She is a joy to see and I will be purchasing those tickets as soon as possible! Previews begin March 27th. Opening night is April 25th.

My Spring Break will also be packed to the brim with Broadway shows. I’m going to see "Memphis" in late march with my brother and his band class. I told him to tell his teacher I would chaperone for a chance to go! Luckily, he said I could just attend with them – no chaperoning needed, and I still got the student price! Not chaperoning was a sigh a relief – It's a tad difficult to chaperone a bunch of high school kids when you attended high school with them! I heard Memphis is awesome and many celebrities have been attending it recently, so I know I’m in for a treat. Mom mentioned in her blog yesterday that she is going to purchase tickets to "Next to Normal" for her and I to see during this spring break vacation. I’ve been bugging her since Christmas to see this with me, and as we all know, in order to get things done with mom we have to do them ourselves, but I’m keeping optimistic. Don’t dash my hopes and dreams Tish! Lastly, My best friend in the entire world is turning 21 on March 31st. I unfortunately will be in my first week of classes for the spring quarter and will not be able to be with her for it. To make up for my poor college choice – who goes to college eight hours from home?! – I’m taking her to the city in late March for a “day of fun with Kate,” and we will be getting tickets to see "Wicked". We both have wanted to see Wicked for years now, and this is our opportunity. No worries, I’m not ruining any surprise by telling the blog world this information, she never reads this anyway ☺

<3 Peace and Love <3

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thursday Excursions

Hello Blog world! Sorry I’ve been MIA for the last day or so. The last week of the quarter starts on Monday, and I have an insane amount of work to complete. Last night I was up till the wee hours of the morning writing paper #1, and I just finished paper #2 five minutes ago. My narrative project is next on my “to-do” list, so I figured I would stop by and see what everyone is up to on this lovely Thursday night. Columbus, Oh saw sunshine for the first time in weeks today, and it was a glorious sight! I came home from class to begin my paper at around 1:30 and threw open my shades and my window. Approximately seven minutes passed before I realized it was still freezing out, but the sun was shining so who cared! I really do not want to jinx Columbus weather, as we all know ANYTHING can happen, but we hit 40 degrees today, and it looks like it will be in the 40’s all next week. Could the disastrous, leg numbing, frost biting, winter weather be over? Who can say, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed!

Tonight E and I went to United Dairy Farmers (UDF) for some yummy ice cream. I decided, for strict studying purposes, to forgo the healthy eating for tonight and get Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream on a cone. It was quite possibly the best ice cream I’ve had in a long time (perhaps because it wasn’t fat free). One thing I’ll miss when I graduate is ice cream runs with the roommates. UDF is about four houses away from us on the corner of 12th and High, and we love standing in the ice cream line in our sweats when cute guys are in line buying beer ☺. The sights on the street are entertaining during our excursions as well. Tonight E and I accidentally walked in the middle of a group of people walking to a party. We just acted like we belonged. The one guy was talking about how much he enjoyed “their wolf pack.” I nodded along eating my ice cream cone – we quickly turned to go to our apartment seconds later, laughing at the awkwardness that can be ice cream runs.

When we finished our ice cream a game of Mario Kart was played. Luigi beat both Yoshi and Bowser - anger and foul language was surrounding our living room. I forgot how much fun that game was when we were kids. Guess what: It is still so much fun. Perhaps even more fun, because it is a good reason to put off homework (Every college student needs a break right?) As I sit in my bedroom typing away, I hear something I have not heard in a long time on a Thursday night…silence. It seems like everyone is punching out last minute homework assignments like I am tonight. Wish us luck! Winter quarter 10’ at Ohio State is winding down. Spring Break is right around the corner.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Dancing With The Stars

So, I have never watched one season of Dancing with the Stars. I really do not have time to watch that much T.V anymore, but my DVR will most likely be set to record the upcoming season that is featuring some really awesome entertainment.

I’m super excited to see some of these “stars” glide across the dance floor…

- Evan Lysacek is the one I want to win. I watched in awe as this gorgeous figure skater spun his way to GOLD in the 2010 Olympics, and I think he has a serious shot at winning DWTS as well. What’s not to like. Good looks – check, Good dancing skills – check, umm…Good looks. You see where I’m going with this. I hope he is a top contender!

- Nicole Scherzinger of the Pussycat Dolls will also be competing. I don’t think she is a fair contender personally – the other contestants do not have the skills she has…I’m talking to you Buzz Aldrin! She’s a Pussycat Doll; of course the girl can dance. I have attempted many times (unsuccessfully!) to copy her moves in the “Buttons” music video – she should not have a problem staying in this competition. If she gets the votes, I’m sure she’ll be a top contender as well.

- Chad Ochocinco of the Cincinnati Bengals is another performer I’m excited to watch. I really enjoy this guy! I was impressed with his skills on the football field, and, I’ll be honest, I love how he changed his name to Ochocinco - which is his Jersey number. Who does that? Marketing geniuses do, that’s who. I’m sure he’ll make me laugh, and I’m hoping he’ll surprise the viewers the way Emmett Smith did a few seasons back.

Now the people who make me NOT want to watch this show…

- Kate Gosselin needs to go away already. She is ruining my name! No one wants to see or hear from her anymore. And doesn’t she have eight kids at home? Who will be watching them while she is performing in L.A? Jon? Dear God, I hope not. Kate, here’s some advice: Go raise your kids in Pennsylvania, and stay out of the public eye for a while. Maybe then your children will have a slight chance at living normal lives.

- Pamela Anderson: I’m over you as well. Yes, we all know you were gorgeous on Baywatch, but that ship has sailed. I’m not excited to see you and your triple Ds shaking it on the dance floor in skimpy outfits that someone your age should not be wearing. You’re another one who should go home and raise your children.

Here is the complete list of the 2010 contenders. With a few negatives, I think this could be a talented group of people. I’ll be watching when the show airs Monday, March 22nd. Will anyone else be tuning in?

Monday, March 1, 2010

Let's Talk Books

I love books! I love reading on the beach, in my backyard, on the oval, in my bed, on the floor – seriously any down time I have is usually spent with a book of some sort. Books are wonderful. Any world, at any time, with anyone can be yours with the turn of a page. I love all types of literature including classics, fiction, non-fiction, thrillers, mysteries, romance, historical fiction and all others I'm forgetting. It’s obviously no shock to anyone that I’m an English major, and English majors are required to read lots and lots of books. In previous quarters, I have taken classes that required obscure reading that I would never have picked up on my own (perhaps that’s why professors choose these books?). This quarter, I have class after class filled with modern, intellectual novels – many I would easily pick up at Barnes and Noble on a Sunday afternoon. The picture above this post is all of the books I’m required to read this quarter. Looks fun doesn’t it?! I won’t go into detail about all of the books I’m reading, but I did want to discuss a few I found most especially interesting…

I’m taking an English class that focuses on one major author of the 20th century. There is quite a lot to choose from in that category – Faulkner, Hemingway, Fitzgerald (and that’s just a few from the U.S.). My class focuses on four works by the British-Indian writer Salmon Rushdie. Perhaps some of you have heard of him? A super quick history lesson: Rushdie was educated in England and wrote a novel titled The Satanic Verses in 1988. The next year Ayatollah Khomeini (the Supreme leader of Iran) issued a Fatwa against Rushdie (a call to all Muslims to assassinate him) because his novel was, they claimed, anti-Islam and anti-Mohammad. Of course these people never read the novel, so how would they know, but that’s a discussion for another day. The Fatwa was lifted in 1998 – almost ten years later! Okay history lesson over – I swear I’ll try not to do that again.

The four novels we focused on in class were "Haroun and the Sea of Stories", "Midnight’s Children", "The Satanic Verses", and "The Moor’s Last Sigh". If you are in the mood for a challenging, intellectual read then these novels are for you. In most of Rushdie’s novels he creates a fictional plotline and ties it together with Indian culture and politics. I’ve been obsessed with India since seeing “Slumdog Millionaire” last year, so this was right up my alley. "The Satanic Verses" was the most challenging for me, but once you finish, it leaves you with an entirely different outlook on some of life’s great issues – especially religion. Rushdie, in my opinion, is not anti-Islam or anti- religion. His only focus is on questioning everything. Question the believers and the non-believers. Question science, question faith, and question yourself daily in order to gain a better perspective of the world around you. Not that any of you would be interested, but my class does have a blog where we discuss Rushdie and his works. If you're intrigued, check it out!

Books are magical things, because when read, they should (I hope!) make you think. That, in my opinion, is the best part. Are any of you reading anything of interest?